Finding Out

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Tyler lived alone in a small humble apartment, he was single. He was as well in a band called Twenty One Pilots with his best friend Josh Dun. Tyler was still in studio recording Glowing Eyes for his second album Regional at best when something very unexpected happened.
"Tyler!"The studio director Steve called "Someone named......uh.......Jenna Black is calling!". Steve was a very funny and old man, Sometimes he wished he would stop eating what he packed himself for lunch along with Tyler's lunch. Tyler was annoyed by Jenna's call the last time he even spoke to Jenna was three years ago. Why her number was still in his phone was anonymous. "Tell her I'm busy!"Tyler said rolling his eyes. He started recording glowing eyes again but the studio director yelled "She says it's important". Tyler looked at Josh, Josh just shrugged. Tyler sighed while the band "And if you don't respond she will come here and tell you along with everybody your with!". Tyler wanted to keep recording glowing eyes so he said "Just hang up!"
Tyler seriously doubted they would even let Jenna in the studio. Tyler started recording with Josh again. Before they could even finish a few lines Jenna came trotting in. "TYLER ROBERT JOSEPH YOU ANSWER ME WHEN I WANT TO TALK TO YOU!"Jenna exclaimed furiously. "Yes mother Jenna"Tyler said sarcastically rolling his eyes. "Tyler this is serious!"Jenna said threw her teeth "what's so serious you have to interrupt me while I'm working!"Tyler argued. " a daughter!"Jenna said sobbing.
"Why wasn't I told this three years ago!" Tyler said angrily. Tyler was ready to murder Jenna but Josh was standing behind him almost as if he was holding him back. "Tyler your daughter is very sick!" Tyler cut off Jenna "Don't you mean our daughter!" Jenna continued on "Tyler our daughter is very sick in an orphanage in L.A they found black mold and apparently did nothing about it" Jenna said softly. "So your telling me our daughter is in an orphanage!" Tyler yelled at Jenna. Jenna just nodded "Her name is Jessica she is three her birthday is April 4th, 2009 here is her picture just in case you decide you want her the orphanage address and number is on the back" Jenna said walking out of the door. "Wait Jenna!" Tyler yelled but it was to late she was gone.
Tyler looked down at the picture she looked just like him.he asked She had the same brown hair and tan skin. She even had the same eyes they looked almost identical. Josh now stood beside Tyler "Dude she looks just like you!" Josh exclaimed. Tyler smiled at his daughters picture. "Just like me" Tyler repeated. "What do I do though Josh!?" Tyler exclaimed "I can't just leave her in the orphanage she is my blood, my daughter" Tyler chocked the last two words out. He could not wrap his head around the fact that he had a daughter. "Tyler I think you should go to the orphanage and adopt her"Josh said enthusiastically. "But what if I'm a bad dad" Tyler wondered "what if she hates me!?" He exclaimed. "Tyler she will not hate you" Josh assured him. "Are you positive?" Tyler asked. Josh nodded, Tyler and Josh left the studio early that day.
Once back at his small humble apartment asked Josh to stay the night. Tyler was worried about tomorrow because him and Josh decided tomorrow was the day they were going to adopt Jessica, Jessica Joseph, Tyler's daughter. Tyler looked at Josh he did not know why but he wanted Josh to stay in the bed with him. "Hey dude I'm going to go to bed see ya in the morning" Josh said yawning. "No! Wait! Josh!...This is a bit awkward but uh could you sleep in the bed with me I'm nervous and I'm afraid blurry will you know try to get to me about this whole daughter thing" Tyler insisted. "Of course, Night Ty" Josh said crawling into Tyler's bed beside him. Before long Josh was done Snoring. Tyler was scared, he wondered if his daughter would have a Blurry problem to. Blurry is all Tyler's insecurities, Blurry likes to tell Tyler he is worthless and nobody loves him or maybe he should kill himself. He sure hoped his daughter did not have a Blurry.
Tyler eventually fell asleep. His dreams consist of being a bad parent or Josh leaving him. When Tyler awoken in the morning he wondered why the Josh leaving him dreams bothers him so much. "Josh...Get up" Tyler said shaking Josh Gently, Josh just turned over so Tyler jumped up onto the bed and yelled "Josh the house is on fire!". Josh shot up "wha--" Tyler was literally on the ground laughing.
"Josh get ready it's a big day!" Tyler yelled excited. "Okay...Tyler dress normal not like a homeless person found old goodwill clothes in a dumpster full of old food" Josh scolded. After getting ready Tyler and Josh were on their way. "I'm nervous Josh, what if she doesn't like me, After all she is sick, what if she has a Blurry too?" Tyler said doubting himself. "Tyler stop doubting yourself, your gonna do just fine I'm here if you need anything uncle Josh, hey I like that". Tyler rolled his eyes at Josh's whole uncle Josh ordeal.
"We are here" Josh said stopping the car. "This place looks abandoned!" Tyler exclaimed. Tyler examined the old paint peeling off the sides of the brick building. He tried to make out what he guessed used to be a logo for the orphanage.
   "Lets do this" Josh said taking in a deep breath. Tyler and Josh walked in and a mean looking old lady walked up to them.  "All kids are in the backyard, you look sort of like on of my children Jessica are you looking for her!?" The lady exclaimed.  Tyler looked around not the best orphanage but definitely not the worst. Don't even try this your not good enough, she is going to hate you, you will make a horrible father "Josh Blurry, he..." Tyler started crying.  "I'm not good enough!" Tyler said sobbing.  Josh hugged him and looked him in the eyes "Tyler you can do this, I will sign as the second parent for you for more support!" Josh exclaimed.  "Thank you Josh, I'll go get her stay with me tonight!?" Tyler asked "Of course I will Ty" Josh said smiling as he saw Tyler running off into the back yard.  What Tyler saw saw horrifying, there were children throwing rocks at his sick daughter who was on the ground.
          Tyler quickly ran over to her "Stop!" Tyler exclaimed scooping his sick daughter up off the ground.  She was crying "shh it's okay I love you, you are my princess" Tyler said watching his daughter turn in his arms and look at him "Dwaddy!" She exclaimed.  "Yes princess, I'm here and always will be until the day I day" Tyler smiled.  Tyler stop there is no use in this she is just going to hate you "Shut up Blurry" both him and Jessica said at the same time.  They were now inside and his daughter has a Blurry.
            "Paperworks all done" Josh said smiling looking back at Jessica.  "Hello little one, I am uncle Josh" he said smiling.  She smiled back "uncwle dosh!" She exclaimed.  Tyler felt her head with his palm.  "She is very hot, we should get her home for some medicine!" Tyler exclaimed.  "Okay" Josh said walking back to the car with Jessica's stuff in hand.  "I'm sitting in the back with her" Tyler said.  Josh nodded as he got in the driver's seat.  "Dwaddy I hwave a pictre of you!" She said holding up a picture of me from three years ago.  "Well you don't need that anymore" Tyler said "I'm here my little princess now get some rest".  Tyler was holding her in his lap when she asked "dwaddy can you sing mwe a swong".  Tyler smiled "of course what do you want me to sing!?" Tyler exclaimed. He expected something like Mary had a little lamb but no she chose Johnny boy from him and joshs first ever album.  
                 He stays home from work this time
                 He never really told his wife
                 He never really told a lie
                 But this time he decided that it's alright
                 It's alright
                 No one really knows his mind
                  And no one knows behind his eyes the man deserves a medal
                  But he's never really one a prize before
                  He goes to lock the Door
                  He is falling in love
                  He knows it's enough
                  The world lies down in a frown
                   Get up johnny boy
                   Get up johnny boy
                   Get up cause the world has left you lying one the ground
                   Your my pride and joy
                   Your my pride and joy
                   Get up johnny boy cause we all need you now
                    We a need you oohhh
                    Someone said away you go
                   Someone said to you goodbye
                  They deflect the disrespect
                  When they say that they blame it one the times
                  They blame it on the time
                   We all know your qualified to fix a chair and love your wife
                    They all know your qualified but they lie when they blame it on the time
                   Oh we blame it on the time
                   He is falling in love
                  He knows it's enough
                  The world lies down in a frown
                 Get up johnny boy
                   Get up johnny boy
                Get up cause the world has left you lying on the ground
            Your my pride and joy
                 Your my pride and joy
        Get up johnny boy cause we all need you now
We all need you now
I will carry all your names and
I will Carry all your shame and
I will carry all your names and
I will carry all your shame and
I will carry all your names and
I will carry all your shame
Get up johnny boy
Get up johnny boy
Get up cause the world has left you lying on the ground
Your my pride and joy
Your my pride and joy
Get up johnny boy cause we all need you now
Get up johnny boy
Get up johnny boy
Get up cause the world has left you lying on the ground
Your my pride and joy
Your my pride and joy
Get up johnny boy cause we all need you now

Jessica is now asleep so Tyler asks Josh how she knew their band but of course he did not know.  "Josh?" Tyler says  remembering today's earlier events "Jessica, she has a Blurry". Josh looked confused "Tyler how do you know?" Josh asked.  "Josh earlier when I first picked up Jessica blurry told me to stop trying and she said Shut up blurry" Tyler said unenthusiastic.  "Both you and her need medication for this you can't keep living like this forever, you can't live thinking you are not good enough when you are more than good enough Tyler,  Jessica she is only young she can't live like this forever either Tyler, I can't lose my best friend and his only kid to an imaginary character who tells them they are not good enough for society,  Tyler you do know that he is the reason you are so sad all the time, you can't be like this around your kid Tyler she is going to pick up on your song lyrics and go to school singing Addict With A Pen Tyler that is not okay, Do this for her not only her you too" Josh said emotionless.  "Blurry is not a mental illness he doesn't go away with medication in fact there is no getting rid of him he is here permanently Josh, and he so happens not to be some fictional character he has a mind of his own!" Tyler exclaimed.  "Well at least act more happy!" Josh said angrily.  "I sure as hell will!" Tyler shouted.  Tyler have never been the one to cuss like ever, this in fact was probably his first cuss word.  Josh gasp is shock "Tyler you said--" he was cut of by Tyler "I know what I said, also I would appreciate it if you would hurry up and get home Jessica is burning with a fever!" Tyler exclaimed.   Josh nodded and they sat in science for the  rest of the way home.




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