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Case Number: 00692.1a

Transcript of interview recording found in records office.

Date: July 2, 1936

Case name: Ashanti Claim murders.

Case number: 00692.1a

Deaths reported: Six. Five males, one female. Three of these were members of nearby Ashanti tribe. Three were illegal miners.

Facts related to case: Gold was recently found on nearby land supposedly belonging to the Ashanti tribe, though there has been no paperwork provided to prove that this land belongs to the tribe. Therefore, the land, and all things pertaining to it, has now been seized by the governor of the Gold Coast.

On June 1st goldminers began mining. Gold was reportedly pulled from the ground, though no evidence has been found as to suggest how much. The bodies of three miners were found three weeks later (all male). The rest of the miners have not been found, [see separate missing person's report]. Three bodies (two male, one female) have also been found. They belong to Ashanti tribe members.

Each death was unique and seemed to be individual to each person. Deaths seemed ritualistic.

The Archbishop Kwesi Maass has since gone to the land and spoken to the Ashanti tribe. He has also supposedly baptized the land. He has deemed the land inappropriate for goldmining due to a presence he feels living within the earth. He has spoken to some of the villagers and has agreed to discuss the case with us.

Interview time: 14:30p.m.

Transcripts of interview.

Unknown male voice (from here on in will be known as UMV): The date is July 2, 1936, time is 14:31p.m. I am here interviewing the Archbishop Kwesi Maass in regards to the Ashanti Claim murders. The Archbishop has recently spoken to the nearby Ashanti tribe and says he has invaluable information in regards to the case.

Sir, in your own words, can you tell me what happened?

Archbishop Kwesi Maass (from here on in will be referred to as AKM): Men were murdered, sir.

UMV: (clears throat) Yes, that part is apparent. Do you know who did it?


UMV: It is illegal to not part with any pertinent information related to the case. For your own wellbeing, I suggest you tell us anything that you might know.

AKM: (Laughs) You think that I am worried about prison, sir?

UMV: You should be.

AKM: Well, I am not. Prison would be a far safer place to be than here.

(sound of shuffling paper)

UMV: And why is that?

AKM: Because the beast has been disturbed.

UMV: The "beast?"


UMV: For the record, let it be known that the Archbishop Kwesi Maass nodded. Can you describe the beast to me?

AKM: (long pause) He is both everything and nothing. He is both your dreams and your nightmares. He is everything that you should fear.

UMV: So the beast is male?

AKM: (laughing) He is whatever it wants to be.

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