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This is not a story, but a tale, and yes there is a difference. This is a tale of a sorceress, and a woodsman, and their adventure. It is also about many other beings, and people, and stories within the tale, and places, but that is all in good time. The plot of the tale mostly involves the sorceress and the woodsman.

The place where it all starts is called The Woods. The Woods does not have a name at the beginning of this tale, so it was simply known as The Woods. It was a vast span of forest, but it was lively and had abundance of people and animals and plants. Through The Woods was a path that cut down the middle, many travelers rode through and traded with the Woodsmen.

How the people of The Woods truly got to The Woods is unknown, their physical attributes and culture are like no other. Many believe they came from the trees (The Woodsmen are rumored to have started this tale). The lore goes that an acorn fell from a branch of a giant tree, and rain sent from the Eastern heavens sprouted man instead of wood. The people grew to adapt with the forest instead of destroying it. They were hard people, who stood tall as trees themselves, and the only thing that swayed was their hair in the wind. Though they coexisted with nature, they looked down upon uncleanliness. Men's beards and hair were kept short and trimmed, women washed and braided their hair into plaits that fell only to mid-back. Keeping hair out of their faces and tied up prevented leaves and twigs getting caught in it. The people of The Woods would pick wild flowers that grew in the forest to make scents and colognes. They wore clothes of browns, and greens, and the women wore trousers under their skirts for better movement through the forest. Their diets consisted of greens, and browns as well. With gardens full of potatoes, green beans, peas, asparagus, Brussel sprouts, cabbages, and roots. When food was scarce they scavenged for acorns like squirrels, and if one was lucky they would happen upon an apple tree. Most meat was venison which was caught in nets or shot with arrows. Some squirrel they ate, but when bull was available they'd obtain it from the Fieldsmen when they came through to trade. The hunters were mostly women, while the men stayed at home to tend to their lands and raise the children to be strong and fit as they were.

There were many huts spread about in The Woods, though if you did not live there you would be hard pressed to find them. The huts were made to blend with their surroundings with roofs covered with leaves and sticks, and doors painted with mashed up peas and dirt. Some huts were built in trees, under trees, and atop trees. In the middle of The Woods there was a small clearing where the marketplace was set up with vendor's kiosks stocked with goods, and traders' wheelbarrows full of vegetables.

The Woods was the only place in the realm that did not have a King. There was no government, or monarchy, only a set law that all who resided in The Woods must follow. Guests were expected to follow these laws as well. There was no court system just punishment which was decided by accuser. The only crime ever really committed within The Wood was trespassing because no one was sure who's land belonged to whom. Killings, or fights only ever took place with the Mountain Folk, who were as hard as stone. The people of The Woods did not think of such brutalities, and only fought with words if the occasion ever arose to do so. Though you would be foolish to upset a Woodsmen, because you could find yourself lost in the vastness of the forest and no one would help you to find your way out.

The Woods itself was no magical place, in fact there was no magic at all within it. The exception was the Sorceress who knew little about magic herself, and rarely ever thought of such things, seeing as she was raised to be a Woodsmen, the only time she ever thought of magic was when her uncle would call upon her at her home. And that is where our tale begins.

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