Part 1

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The year is 1732
and I was sat with Edward Kenway, my beloved husband, in the dining room. He's munching on some breakfast just brought in by the cook. Busy ready the newspaper from this morning. "Seems like there has been another robbery at Jack his store." He mumbles. It seems like he doesn't care much. But I know him better than that. I know what Edward is like. I know he's still feisty at times. If someone would have robbed a friend of his, he would go after that person and assassinate him. When I watch him now, sitting there, eating, I wonder if he ever misses the time of being a captain at the Jackdaw. Whenever I ask him, he waves it off and says, "those times are over, my love." But I see that sparkle in his eye whenever he looks at the painting of the Jackdaw he has in the study, the excitement in his voice whenever he brings up memories. He says those times are over, but I know that deep in his heart, he'll go back there if he could. If he wouldn't have gone through so much drama and fights, losing friends. To me that seems horrible. I have been sailing amongst pirates aswell, but not like Edward. I kept away from the aggresive waves, the fighting, I was a privateer, educated by my father; Charles Vane. Not even to mention the bond Edward and my father had.

Being abandoned by the drunken sailor and so called friend Jack Rackham, stranded at an unknown island, friends turning against him, deaths, the state of the Jackdaw at times, Edward has been through it all and still he would do it all over again. I know he does. He might not always admit that, but I know he does. He just does. I take a bite of my breakfast and look back up at my husband. My dearest Edward. He doesn't look back at me but that cheeky smile on his face makes it clear to me that he knows I'm watching him. So I smile back to myself and focus on my breakfast and the ticking of the clock instead. A peacefull morning so far. Until, the sound of crying comes from upstairs. Our newborn son, Haytham is awake. Edward looks up at me with a smile. His cheeky smile is replaced with a loving smile. "Our son is awake. You wanna get him?" I place down my silverware and get up from my seat. I straighten my dress and give him a loving smile back. "Aye, I'll get him." I cares softly over Edward his back and walk up the stairs in our mansion. Based in London. What a wonderful life I have. Unknown of the future that is to come...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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