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I thought life would be different . But that is how things go. Years ago we were just 5 kids just having fun at recess . Weston , a boy with brown hair cut to his ears always plays the bad guy along with his friend Kaiden , who was taller than Weston with blonde hair who would play his sidekick and would not leave his friends side . My close friends at the time Jaxson and Micheal , were the heroes that always fought either for me or right beside me were identical twins but I could tell them apart . This was all back when life was simple. Kindergarten is a great time to just enjoy life and live to the fullest like we did . All of recess was a endless fake battle between good and evil for 30 minutes a day . Everything was good for 3 years. It was the same like always until he left.

He was my best friend and he just left.

We left me for South Carolina , a state so far away for a 3rd grader to imagine . We were unseparated for birthdays ,playdates and other things as well. This happened 6 years ago and I thought that those 1,200 miles would separate us forever untill he came back.

The summer of 2013 he traveled back to visit family . My family found out and we invited him and his family over .

It was great to see him again .

He looked the same with the same messy blonde hair and blue eyes that I liked everything was the same he was just a little taller . We played in my backyard and my bedroom for hours , having a blast but he had to leave soon after and I was sad I didn't know when I would see him again.

The next year he came back and I was thrilled .

Instead of going to my house we went to a trampoline park called Jumping Joey's to goof off and have fun. We were having fun untill a kid a year older than us started flirting with me and followed me around . At first I just ignored him and continued playing with Kaiden but the more he flirted the more it became excessive and creepy until Kaiden swooped in and scared him away like a heroic prince . I think the scariest part about him was that he was super tall . I wouldn't expect anything less because both his mom and dad were tall .His  mom was 5'11 and his dad was 6'4 . Even hhis sister, Hailey was tall for her age at the time she was in 2nd grade and was almost 4'5 .That day he visited was fun .

5th grade was the last year I saw him .

We met up at a skating rink near an old Town we both enjoyed. He has never been skating before and I could tell he was nervous , but I was determined to teach him every thing I knew. We started out small . The walker was the first steps towards success. Slowly but surely he controlled his balance and speed. He wanted the keep the walker but I knew he didn't need it anymore. I convinced him to let it go and we skated together.

He held my hand at some parts since there was no rail and he still was learning . I loved it . The feeling of holding his hand filled my heart with joy . He still wasn't the best at skating but I made sure he didn't hurt himself. Let's just say that I didn't do my best job. Later that evening I went too fast and he couldn't keep up. He fell and was in lots of pain . People fall while they skate all the time so I didn't think too much about it but he sat down and we realized that he broke his arm. I thought it was all my fault with me not being careful , But my parents insisted that it wasn't but in my heart I knew it was.

The broken bone wasn't that bad .

He had a cast for 2 months but it could have been way worse . I was glad it wasn't. Since then I haven't seen him.

In 7th grade I was talking to Jaxson and Michael about Kaiden." I thought he visited you guys too." I said confused. " No just you ." Jaxon said with a smile. " Now that I think about it..." Micheal stopped talking and whispered to his brother. They looked back at me in an evil grinning way.
"What is it? " I stated to them firmly.
"We think he likes you " they said at the same time .
"What ?"
"Because he doesn't even visit Weston and they were best buds , we all were , but I guess you mean some thing different." Jaxon said soundly.

"That can't be possible we were just friends hanging out and even if I liked him he probably has a crush in his home town." I said as I blush harder than I was before. " You'll just have to ask him that when you see him again. " Micheal says. "I'll try ..." I told them but I never got the chance.

So many years have passed since all the events happened and they were good memories. I haven't seen his since and slowly my feelings for him have vanished to nothing more than a memory .This is my story of how my life went upside down in just a year.

Hey guys this is my first romance story so I hope you guys really enjoy it by the way this is Tessa. If you haven't seen my other story called crash-landed please check it out and it may not be finished but I promise it'll be super good. This story will have no cuss words or violence but if there's one episode that might have a tad bit I will put a warning before I publish it. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this story so far . Until next time keep on reading 😎

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