Chapter One

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     I swung the door open and I slipped inside as the music blasted in my ear and people danced their way through the crowd. High school parties. The thing everyone looks forward to on the weekends. A solo cup got handed to me, and I made my way to the back of the kitchen, where all of my friends were. "Hey guys, there's a lot more people than I thought there would be." I said.
Brooke looked at me and a smile slowly spread across her face. "Babe it only gets busier," she slurred.
     My friends all grabbed my hand and dragged me to the living room floor where everyone was dancing. Just as I was about to dance, I felt a hand on my shoulder that sent chills down my body. I turn around to see a tall, handsome guy with blue eyes and a perfect smile. "Gabby, right?" He asks, with half a smirk on his face. I nodded, and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. He extended his arm and held out his hand, offering me to place mine in his. I blushed and hesitated before placing my hand on his.
     Before he led me to the dance floor, he leaned close to my ear, and spoke just loud enough to hear him over all of the music. "By the way, my name's Luke" his breath tickled my ear. I giggled and then leaned in close to his ear, to mimic him. "My name's Gabby" I said. I stepped back and looked in his blue eyes. He led me to the dance floor as if it were a movie and we were the stars.
As the night went on, I learned more and more about Luke. It was almost like we clicked right away. As soon as I met him I fell into a trance and this feeling came over me that I've never felt before. I always told myself that true love wasn't real. That love at first sight was fake, but as the night grew older, I began to realize that maybe I was wrong after all. Around one A.M, my friends and I became a group again, but this time, Luke was included. Brooke looked at me, and then at Luke, and then back at me. Luke smirked and gently and casually grabbed my hand. I froze. What is he doing?! I felt our fingers intertwine. This is....this is...actually nice. I smiled and looked up at Brooke, and held our intertwined hands up in the air. "Brooke, this is Luke," I said, excitedly. Brooke nodded her head to say hello. An awkward silence came over us, and I decided to attempt to break it. "So uh, what time is everyone leaving?" I asked. Luke looked down at his watch and said, "oh crap, I was supposed to be home half an hour ago. I have to go!" He started to turn away, but didn't let our hands go, then he stepped back, quickly turned around, locked our lips, and smiled. Then he ran off and left. I stood there shocked, but before I could say anything, he was back. "Gabby, hey,'s my number uh in case you wanna call." Then he turned around and proudly walked out. Everyone just stood there, in shock. "Guys I think I'm in love. Is it wrong to think I'm in love? I just met this guy...and I think I'm in god damn love..."
4 years earlier:
I'm 13 years old. 13 is the age where no one looks at you as an adult, or a kid. 13 is the age where hardly anyone looks up to you, and everyone just looks down. It's the weird age. But it's also the age to find out who you really are. My best friend is Noah. Noah Anderson. He obviously liked me. Multiple times he tried to kiss me, but I always had an excuse not to. I wasn't into him, and he knew that. He knew that I didn't like him, but he didn't give up. After two years of trying to ask me out, and be with me, it started becoming obsessive. I dropped him. I told him that I didn't want to be his friend anymore, and he went absolutely crazy. He started throwing things at me until I ran out of his house, crying from the cuts on my arm from glass that broke. I never talked to him again. I deleted our texts, his number, and any memories that I ever had of Noah. He was gone. Out of my life. Forever. Or so I thought...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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