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Hey guys whats up!! This is just a random project I've been working on forrrrrr..... like a almost a year now. Hope you enjoy!!

Also I know I suck at poetry so feel free to judge!!! 😋


"Hi" a man said where and when

"Bye" he growled there and then

"Whats your name" the man said being friendly

"Why do you care" he yelled un-gently

Well the old grump, he walked away,

but the friendly man, he stayed,

and watched suspiciously as his neighbor

slammed the door in awful anger

the friendly man made one last prayer.

He ran inside the house 

as nervous as a mouse.

Now I just said The man was friendly

but right now he seems quite grim

He snuck into his neighbors house

committing an illegal sin.

He heard the neighbors TV loud,

so the neighbor wont even hear a sound.

He still snuck as quietly as he could

just to be safer then he would.

The sneaky man was quite scared,

because the neighbor was strong as a bear

but then he found another door,

one that leads up high

all the way to another floor

it seemed to be closed

but he could see.

a switch and window just barely

if he could just get outside maybe

he could hit the switch

by using a branch from the tree

He ran outside forgetting,

there was a grump nearby

he let the neighbor see him

and ran for his flipping life!!!

He made it back to his house,

then the neighbor stopped.

he wouldn't go across the street,

but the man knew his bubble would be popped

He ran to his house,

grabbed the phone

dialed 911

but he wasn't alone

the neighbor was outside

cutting a wire

the man lost connection

his anger was afire!

He ran across the street

across the neighbors yard

glue landed on his feet

he jumped but it was hard

Bye: A Hello Neighbor Poem By Samuel SunnaWhere stories live. Discover now