Meeting him

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My alarm clock turns on I wake up I get up and was thinking about something.I got up and put my cutest clothes on which was A dress and some heels I straight up my hair I walk down stairs. I almost walk out the door and...."Are you gonna eat" my dad says,"no"I say. I walk out and I was on my phone texting my mom who was at work that I just left just looking up I bump into someone "ow" I say I look up I think to myself is that Tal Fishman "I'm sorry you ok" he says, I get up and wipe my dress with my hands I look at him then he looks in my eyes before anything happened I broke the silence "Hey I need to..go to my friend Adi's house.I get up and walk away but before I can take 1 step he got my hand and whisper in a soft voice "I will take you" I got to attached to him I walk with him as we talk "I'm his brother" Tal says I felt awkward."Wassup oh Tal this is my friend Tracey" Adi says I walk in and take my coat off.We sit down we start to play truth or dare "Tracey I dare you to kiss Tal"Nick says I get up and take a deep breath I walk up to Tal and softly put my lips on his.I went to leave and Tal stopped me "You can stay here this is my place". I walk in he had one bedroom so we shared I started kissing him he kissed me back I got on top of him as he pulled my shirt off and took off my bra we kiss more He Turned Me Around And Banged Me "T-Tal!" I Scream Moaning.
He banged me harder and harder the Sex Was So...Satisfiying I Loved It.

Tal and MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz