Marco Coffen

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Marco Coffen is a successful professional. He is internally driven, confident and knows how to control his emotions. He believes in making a combined effort to meet goals.

Marco Coffen is a business professional, he focuses primarily on information technology. He posses a great knowledge of information technology and also serves as a self-employed information technology consultant. He helps his clients to understand all the details about IT. He helps people to lead the business with the help of IT and overcome other business problems.

Marco Coffen likes to innovate, he is taking an initiative to invest in startups and promote the trend of businesses. He aims to invest in the perspective startup through all three investment series and creat benefits with social impact.

Marco Coffen is also associated with the field of real estate and commodities. He makes sure to provide the right services to people and impress both the parties because customer satisfaction is the first goal set by him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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