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I went to school again today.

I put my school bag close to me , so that I could see it ; it gave me a feeling of safety and control over my belongings.

Class started and the teacher began her lesson but...I couldn't hear a word.

Her voice faded away , slowly but surely. My eyes turned towards the window. I saw two birds on the rooftop of an old building, they looked peaceful.

Their fragile bodies moved towards each other, like they were looking for closure and warmth. "I wish I were them. Adaptable, tiny, desirable...but most importantly, free"

Then it hit me.

Black stripes covered my eyesight with the softest touch and ripped my soul away from my body.
The voices came back, they always did. It started with a whisper, followed by loud scratches and obnoxious laughter.

The voices got closer and closer and i could finally make out what they were saying.

"Useless. Stupid. Why are you even alive?"

"Oh, I guess they always use the same words every time.", I thought.

I felt something crawling on my skin, my now dry and itchy skin. Even though I tried to figure out what it was, I couldn't, not now anyway.

The static speaks my name. Grey dots overwhelmed my thoughts in fear. I could feel it, but I couldn't stop it.

Somehow, I managed to grab my leg.

It was a blessing to me ,because I could wake up this way, but just when I tried to fully grab it, it turned into water. The water drowned my pointless hope and shoved me ,once again, into pure darkness.

My head was spinning , my already blurred vision gave up on me. My heart was on the verge of exploding out of my chest.

They took full control over my body. I couldn't do anything to stop this.

"I finally give up. You win."

Just then, I heard my name.
"Leo, hi! Class is over, want to go get lunch?"
"Yeah, sure. Just give me a second . I need to find my wallet."

Thankfully, i heard the voice of my classmate and they couldn't get me anymore. Seven more hours to go. Maybe next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2018 ⏰

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