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My Saviour

"Castiel? You on earth?" Sioux asked with a curious voice. Her head stood slightly under Castiel's chin. She was forced to look slightly upward, at an angle, to try and find what Cas was staring at. For once, she just wanted to see the world through his eyes.
"Sorry. I just thought I heard something." he glared aimlessly, still looking up into the sky, or clouds, or universe.. well who knew what Castiel was really starring at? God? If only he was still around. Sioux's attention span collapsing under her growing frustration, she moved back in front of Cas. She looked at his strange yet absolute beauty of his face. His teeth, pearls that brightened his smile along with his beautiful azure blue, oceanic eyes. Sioux always found it amusing, that bed head hair that made him look almost human. "Well, a human on their best day." She thought to herself, release a slight giggle.
Castiel winced his eyes for a couple more seconds, still focusing on some distant, far away destination. Finally brushing it off, Castiel looks down to meets Sioux's unique purple eyes. He always adored the uniqueness of Sioux, whether her form be incorporeal or not. She was incrediably intelligent, had a enlightening smile, and was adventurous; She slightly reminded him of himself in that way.
"So should we head back now before Death comes here to personally reap me away from this artic weather." Sioux says with a slight chuckle in her voice, while wrapping her arms around her body in an attempt to make herself warm. "Yeah let's get going." Castiel gave his best imitation of smile and grabbed sioux's hand.

Once Castiel walked Sioux home he began to walk home himself. Sioux and him have been friends since kindergarten. She was always there for him whether it was physically or emotionally. Castiel returns to an empty apartment. Yeah it got a bit lonely but it was better than being home with a father that didn't care about him and a mother who tried to brainwash him. The only thing that Castiel missed was his brother, Gabriel and balthazar. He also missed his sister luci who rebelled and moved out. Michelle his other sister stayed in the house being the golden child ever since luci left. After Michelle and luci got in a fight luci left and practically locked herself away in a cage and haven't heard from her since.

Castiel heads to his room and just flops onto the bed practically lifeless. Highschool has been hard for him ever since he came out of the closet. Being picked on and being embarrassed was just another part of his life but things have gotten better. There was still that one person, that one bully that keeps being rude till the day they die no matter how much you talk to them. That one bully was Azazel. If I didnt know any better I would say he was lucifers right hand man or something but he is a senior now which means school is almost out so he thinks he can be able to bare it for a bit longer.

Castiel eyes close drifting off to sleep when then his phone starts to vibrate. He groans in laziness then reaches for his phone off the nightstand. " Hey there is a party tonight and I don't want to be alone please come with me? I heard Dean Winchester is going to be there :) Maybe me and him could hit it off or something :D please ? Ill be there around 7:30-ish. " Castiel smirks at the text and replies " Sure of course anything for you my princess..." "Hmm I wonder who Dean Winchsler or what was it again? Winchester? Yeah. Dean Winchester is..." Castiel says looking at the ceiling fan spin in circles wondering about this Dean Winchester. He looks at the clock to find out that its already 6. Castiel washes up and gets dressed casually for the party. He looks at the clock again and it was 7. Cas waits on the couch watching a baking show called "Cooking With West." He loved that show and knew Sioux would be late like she always was. after 45 minutes of fun and entertainment he heard a knock on the door. He turns off the TV and goes to the door. " Hey Castiel !" Sioux says while opening her arms for a hug. once she reached his ear she apologized "Sorry im late I don't know where the time goes." " Time flies over us but leaves its shadow.." Cas replies with a chuckle.

Castiel and Sioux arrives at the party in Sioux silver maruno. The house was booming with music and glistening with lights. Sioux puts on a small coat over her purple gown and gets next to Cas. Before Cas walks in the front door he notices a motorcycle. Black and slick but he didnt put to much thought into it. He walks in and goes straight to the beer while Sioux goes and shops around for guys. It was packed but thankfully no one cared enough to be in the kitchen.

Castiel POV

Personally I don't really fancy the action but that doesn't mean I was never exposed to it. For some reason I was always smack dap in the middle of it so when im alone its kinda of nice but I hate being lonely for longs periods of times if that even makes sense. I take a swig of my beer and just wait till time flies by so I can leave. I just didnt wan't Sioux to come alone. She doesn't really get out much but I know she loves to go out and I know I need to so the same so what the hell right? I walk to the trash and throw my cup away as I hear woosh of the kitchen door open and close. "Damn someone came in the kitchen" I think to myself. I turn around to see the hideous faces of Azazel and 2 of his other friends. The black eyes gang they're called at school. I began to walk out of the room when I feel a tug at the wrist. "Wait there Castiel. Where do you think you're going?" Azazel says with a devilish smirk. "Back off." I say pulling my wrist away from him. "You know ive always liked you're spunk Castiel" he says as him and his boys start edging towards me. He picks up his wrist and stares at his fist. "Ive been saving this for you." he says before punching me straight in the mouth. I fall onto my hands with my face almost meeting the floor. I start feeling feet kicking into my ribs and body. I crunch up my body and put my hand over my head. A tear runs down my eye. Suddenly I hear grunts and crashes but im to hurt to look up. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, Buddy you okay there?" a raspy voice says. I uncurl from my position and slowly turn to the person who saved me. My saviour. I am greeted with green apple eyes and a smirk that could kill.


Sorry its a little slow at first but the next chapter will be better. Here is just a sample not sure if im going to write more cx

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