Chapter 3

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After a long 30 minutes we finally pulled up to my company. After 4 long years I finally got the chance to be a business owner. My company blew up over night and I could really thank Liam's father for allowing me to make my creations come to life at his company. Now I'm everywhere and extremely grateful. Now he's going to be even more shocked when he finds out that I'm carrying his grandchildren. And how it even happened.

"Moriah" Makayla called

"Yes, I'm coming." I said grabbing the rest of my items out of the trunk

"Your moving so slow, you cow"

"Look honey, I'm even that big yet. And I will not allow you to call me a damn cow" I yelled across the parking lot some of my employee's looking at me like I was crazy

"Just wait until you get bigger I ain't gonna know how to act?" Makayla said throwing her hair over her shoulder.

"You better be lucky that I don't pull at that damn weave out of your head"

"Um. baby I ain't bald headed if that is what you are trying to implie."

"See you said that on your own , those words never came out of my mouth."

"Whatever, can we go up now, please."

"You can go up alone, you don't have to wait on me"

"Um, yeah I do."

"Well, you can come help me get some stuff, I have a presentation in 2 hours so lets speed this up please"

"You have like 2 hours why are you tripping"

"I'm not tripping, I'm done talking to you honestly"

"Fine. that's fine" she said throwing her hand up in my face

"Look here little girl you better think twice about the next time that you decide to throw your hand up in my face" I said pointing my finger in her face

"Oh, you must wanna fight or something." She asked looking at me side ways

"I'm not finna fight your ass, you should have gotten in the damn car with your mother!" I yelled closing the trunk and walking away

"Are you really cussing at me? I'm calling Mom!"

"And when you do make sure you tell her to come pick you up because I'm not taking you home!" I said slamming the door and taking the elevator to my office

"Good morning Moriah"

"Good morning, Candice"

Candice has been my personal assistant for 3 years and one of my closest friends. I tell her everything and even though Kira is the jealous type, she loves Candice because they can definitely relate on every type of level.

"You got a call from Carters Inc. about a meeting for some new decorations at their office and Mr. Wong called for you to see if you could travel to China to redecorate his home?"

"Um... I can't actually"

"Um...Why not? Mr. Wong is one of our biggest clients and you are just going to say no!"

I got up from my desk and closed my office door. "The reason why I can't travel is because my doctor hasn't cleared me yet."

"Why do you need your doctor to clear you to fly" she asked confused

I haven't told anyone at the company that I am pregnant but they are going to know when this belly don't look the same anymore.

"Because I'm......"

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