Chapter One

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David, all- powerful king of Israel, did not feel like going to war that day. He knew that there was war between his people and the Amorites but it was spring, and for some reason, he wanted to relax, to be one with nature.
He had spent so much time in the confines of his magnificent palace that he decided to move to the roof to have a breath of fresh air . Some minutes on the roof was therapeutic to him,as he felt cool breeze caress his skin and calm his nerves.
Suddenly, the sweet smell of lavender seeped into his nostrils. He seemed to dive into the hypnosis of this intruder, into memories that he once held dear to his heart.....
He loved lavenders. He'd stop at the garden-like bushes close to where he pastured his flock just to pick lavenders. He loved the smell and feel of them,and how they seemed to change the air into something wonderful by their scents.His brothers used it to tease him at times,as only ladies love flowers.
This was what made him,while seeking pasture in another area to come in contact with the love of his life.
He wandered, hoping to find something beautiful, when the scent of lavender began to call him. He responded promptly finally stopped at the source. He looked forward, expecting a garden,but all he saw was a figure in purple linen. He looked up to discover the most beautiful maiden his eyes ever beheld.
That was the magic moment. That was how Bathsheba came into his life. She was not from his place,but she held a very important spot in his heart.
He remembered when they'd pasture the sheep together,take turns to bring honeycombs and milk for each other. Turns out that she kept a flock of goats for her family, and she is an expert in the art of stealing honeycombs from the overprotective bees,unnoticed.When he'd sing her serenades under the mustard tree and watch her blush, a thing he cherished as though he was beholding an angel from heaven. He watched her play with the birds,speaking to them like she understood their different languages.
One fateful day, he came to that usual spot where they met,since she promised she would be waiting for him there. She was not seen. He waited, he panicked, but she was not there. As he watched the flock and played his harp, she appeared, apparently mesmerized.Noticing her,he could not suppress his joy,but as he drew near to kiss her, she declined.
"I must not."
Dazed, he looked at her with a concerned, questioning gaze,as if to ask "Why?"
I'll be married soon to Uriah, the Hittite ,who fights with Israel's army.
My father wants it to be so. He feels he knows the best for me but...
Bath, there has to be some other way around this. There should be.
I am a woman David, somewhat destined to do the will of my father. I'm more or less his property. I cannot own inheritance,because of the fact that I will be married off. It's how it is.
What about me ,Bath,who you claim to love?Who you claim you could die for? How am I supposed to live my life without seeing your face? Without touching or even feeling you? Life can't just go on....

I'm sorry, but that's my father's wish. I'll never really love Uriah,I'm sure of that. My heart's yours, David,for ever.
She turned and walked away, leaving him to nurse the pain of losing one that he's almost given his whole life to. He did not when he cried out painfully
" Bathsheba!"
Bathsheba on her own, was in tears.She knew that she truly loved and desired this man even in her dreams. But she had no choice,it's a man's world. Bathsheba needed him,for just this last time,to soothe her. So,when she heard him cry, she ran, tears in her eyes.
He hugged her, but as he moved closer, the heat from the desire he felt subsided.
He remembered God.
Which ever way,he was still going to lose her to Uriah .After all,he was just a shepherd boy. He didn't want to take her grace, it would breed trouble for them both. At loss for what to do,he just kissed her on the forehead and whispered
' I love you'

" I love you too'' she said and burst into fresh tears before David drew her into his arms again, her tears trickling into his clothes.
She finally made to go
"May El Shaddai keep you.''
David smiled when she said that, but was too pain stricken to think straight.
He did not know when he stretched his right hand to call her back in reality. Then,he realised he was looking down and to his amazement he saw a woman,fair to look upon, in almost all her naked glory,bathing. He turned his face away at first,but the sweet scent whose source he had now discovered tempted him. He yielded to the temptation afterwards, looked back and he first caught sight of her striking ebony-black hair.
Could this be.... No.
He sent for one of his guards and inquired of him who the woman was.
'Is this not Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, the Hittite?
'Tis she my lord,'tis she.'
Uriah was now under him as a soldier and he was out there fighting. He was the king and Bathsheba would obviously respond to his every whim. There was nothing stopping him now. With renewed pride and confidence, he turned to the guard and said;
"Call her for me."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2018 ⏰

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