Prince Louis' Common Bride

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Bandit's POV

Hi, I'm Bandit. I live in the kingdom of Lanarania. I live with my father and 4 year old brother Link. I have reddish brown hair that reaches to mid-back. I have blue eyes and I'm quite thin. I'm 18. We live on the poor side of town. I work 2 jobs and my dad works 3. We get by but just barley.

I work both jobs in the evening, and my dad works his jobs in the morning and early afternoon. I watch Link until my dad gets home then when I leave for work dad watches Link.

I just finished my work and am heading home. When I get home it is about 10:00 at night. Every day at noon and 10 at night the radio plays the announcements. Every house hold has a radio. There is 1 installed in every house regardless if u could afford it or not.

Right as I sit down on our small sofa the radio starts the announcements.

'Attention all girls ages 17-20. Prince Louis is looking for a bride. All girls ages 17-20 are to report to the castle at noon tomorrow. All girls must be present. No exceptions. Have a good night.'

Are u kidding me! That dumb prince. He's just a stuck up snob. He isn't looking for a bride. He wants to see all the dumb girls throw themselves at him. He wants to shag all the girls he can before he has to be married. The prince must have a wife by the age of 22. His birthday is in 3 months.

I so do not want to go. It's not like I'll get picked. I hate his fucking guts.

I am so tired from work so I decide to go to bed and worry about it in the morning.

Morning~11:30 a.m.


I woke up late! I jumped out of bed hopped in the shower and got dressed as quick as I could. I wore a plain black t-shirt and grey shorts with old black converse.

I then remembered Link. I ran into the living room to see a note on the counter. It said ' Dear Bandit, I brought Link to work with me because I heard about the thing at the castle today. See u when u get back, Love, Dad.'

Oh thank god! I thought Link ran out or something.

I looked at the clock and saw I had 10 minutes to get to the castle. I took off out the door and ran through town. I finally made it to the castle a bit late.

I saw many girls wearing fancy dresses and done up hair. Some dressed up more than others. I was the only one that I could see that wasn't wearing a dress. I looked normal where as all the other girls were dressed to impress.

Some were wearing such slutty outfits. One girl's dress was just a sleeve of fabric that hung low on her chest and hardly covered her butt. It was disgusting.

As I walked inside everyone was giving me looks of hate or malice. Why? Because I wasn't dressed up?

When we got inside they split us into 4 rooms. One for each age. The group I was in (18 year olds) was the smallest. Only around 20 of us. But I was in the group with the most slutty looking girls. I went an sat in the corner while the others were giggling and smiling. After the prince has been to the other rooms the doors opened.

The Prince walks in with his head held high an a smug smirk on his face. The girls giggle and squeal. It's gross just to watch.

He had all the girls line up on one side of the the room. They pushed and shoved to be the first one in line. I was at the end. He went into a small room connected to this one. Each girl went in one at a time. They must have left out a different door in the room because they just kept sending us in.The guards just pushed us in after about 5 minutes. Eventually it was just me and the slutiest looking girl in here.

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