Chapter 1:Isabella

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My old school was in my words hellish to say the least. That is only one reason that  makes me dread the fact of moving to a new high school in one of the richest cities. Manhattan. I love my parents other than the fact my dad is always working and my mom rather find another way to spend money then time with her family. My mother was the biggest socialite back in Carolina which doesn't shock me. Her beauty was perfectly matched with her bubbly personality, and well having one of the biggest bank accounts in the world made her extremely like able.
The jet shook shaking me out of my dreadful thoughts. I looked over at my mother absorbed in the newest issue of a fashion magazine. She suddenly got up before walking over to the mini bar returning with a water. My mother's beauty was the only thing I had inherited from her with the same curvy athletic figure, blue grey eyes, and dark wavy hair. Though I chose to rim my eyes in dark liner and wear my hair in its natural loose curls. Back in carolina my school was a privileged private school. For the in my words over spoiled teens that loved flaunting daddy's money and their good looks. I had seen the website for my new school and something in me knew it would be so much different. I just can't tell if it's horrible or amazing.
"Everyone please take your seats and prepare for landing. Thank you for flying today.' Our pilot said his voice crackling over the intercom. About ten minutes later we were quickly ushered through the rain to a glossy black SUV. "My heels!" my mother screeched taking off her new overly priced shoe and clutching it to her chest. Rolling my eyes I pulled my journal out of my worn messenger bag. I nuzzled my face deeper into my beat up leather jacket, tucking my boot covered feet on the empty seat next to me as my back leaned against the door.
Around an hour later the driver opened the door across from me, offering a black umbrella, I quickly shoved my journal and pen into my bag before slinging it over my shoulder and hopping out of the car. I thanked the driver with a smile as he guided me to my new front door. As if you could call this a house.
My "house" was a mansion that covered half a block and had a furnished basement and four floors. Opening the unlocked door I stepped into the grand foyer. My mouth gaped open as I stared wide eyed at the gorgeous cathedral ceiling that hung a crystal chandelier in between two giant carpeted staircases on opposite walls leading up to higher levels.

Glancing around the room I noticed an elevator, curious i walked over to it and pressed the up button. Seconds later I walked inside noticing each floor was labeled "dining and kitchen, living and fitness, bedrooms, library." I read aloud from the engravings next to the floor buttons. As I was about to push the library button I felt a sudden wave of dizziness and clicked the bedroom button.
       When the doors opened I walked down the hallway to a white door painted with grey flowers around my name. I opened door and threw my bag on the floor as I slammed the door behind me and slid down the wall. I know I'm going to pass out but I don't want to sleep.
        The dreams I had been getting since the day I turned sixteen were so strange to me. They always  came with dizzy spells causing me to pass out a lot. The worst part was that the dreams were so realistic I swear they felt as if I was there. They felt more like memories than dreams but I know that sounds crazy so I have chosen not to tell anyone though they have gotten worse.
         As I feel my eyes getting heavier I lay across the floor relinquishing to sleep.....
          .......So beautiful. I said staring  around the room my voice soft and happy. Picking up my emerald dress I walked deeper into the crowd. The ball had turned out perfectly! Everyone was wearing beautiful masks while dancing to the orchestra that played from the stages. The room was as gorgeous as it had been last time. The same golden dome ceiling, chandeliers, Golden velvety walls, and ceiling high windows over looking the night. The feast was made up perfectly with various cheeses, meats, breads, and wines over the long silk covered table.
        I felt him before I saw him. He wrapped his arms around my waist quickly kissing my exposed neck. "My love. It is finally the day." He whispered his voice like silk to my ears. Today was our day we would have forever......
        "ISABEL!" My mother screamed whipping open the door hitting my hip in the process. "Ow!" I screamed groggily. "Isabel what are you doing on the floor?" She said clearly amused her tanned hand resting on her jean clad hip. "I was writing and I must have fallen asleep." I lied, lately I had learned to be a very good actress always having to make up lies for passing out. "Whatever take a shower and come done for dinner I'll have one of your suitcases in your room when you get out." She said leaving and closing the door behind her.
Suddenly I was thankful for my moms idea of packing two suitcases of basics needs so I didn't have to dig through boxes. I stood up now feeling much better then picked my bag up off the ground tossing it on my bed before walking over to the ensuite. As I waited for the water to heat up I brushed my teeth and put my dirty clothes in the hamper before grabbing a towel from the closet and stepping in the shower.
I let the warm water engulf my body, closing my eyes washing away my day. Sometimes I wish I didn't  have to lie about how I have been feeling lately, why I was always dizzy. I washed my hair with my mother's favorite raspberry shampoo and conditioner. I suddenly wondered why my bathroom was already stocked full of necessities. The water ran cold so I turned it off and wrapped a towel around my cold body.
After quickly drying off and dressing in a simple black tank top and jeans I brushed my hair back into a braid. As I padded barefoot down the hall I noticed a set of stairs leading down and decided to take them in stead of the elevator. A few minutes later I was in the main hall right outside the dining room door.
Pausing in front of the double doors I was noticed my parents talking in hushed voices. "...We need to tell her before she goes Stephan! It would be humiliating for her and the family if there own.." my mother went on as my father cut her off. "Kathryn stop." He said calmly, "I will tell her tonight before school tomorrow.". As my mother went to say something else my father interrupted her, "It is in my best interest for her, Ma Amour.".
What language was that? I had never heard it before. I walked back to the stairs then re- walked to the doors this time much louder and whipped open the doors. "Hey guys." I said trying to hide the fact I knew they were keeping something from me. The strangest part was that there faces were as if they were just casually talking.
      "My love dinner is almost ready," my dad spoke just as the servants brought out trays of food and pitchers of drinks from the kitchen. "Thank you." I said to a waiter as he poured my glass with water. "So mom I was wondering if you would help me pick out an outfit for my first day." I said meekly, My mother loved fashion unlike me and I knew it would make her feel special. She looked shocked at my request then quickly she regained her natural expression, "I'd love to. I will come to your room at six tomorrow morning.". "Thank you." I responded curtly not wanting more attention.
      Dinner went by rather quickly thought while my parents chatted I chose to eat in silence. I still didn't understand what they could possibly have to tell me that was so important. "May I be excused?" I asked suddenly, "Of course darling."  responded mother as I stood up from my chair.
      I ran to my room as quickly as a could after suddenly getting light headed. My life now revolved around dizzy spells and fainting which was no easy task but I was glad I only ever fainted at night. As soon as I was in my room I whipped the door shut and laid down on my bed. Burying my head in the pillows I realized my queen bed had been made up with a thick grey lace trimmed duvet the matching pillows included.
      I was starting to feel much better as I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" In yelled. My father walked in. "May I talk to you for a few minutes?" He asked, "Of course I responded trying my hardest to keep my nerves out of my voice. "I need to tell you something but I think it would be easier to show you." He said reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out a small lightbulb. Why did he have a lightbulb? "Hold out your plan" he asked, so I held my hand out flat palm up. He placed the light bulb in the middle of my palm. "Now I know this sounds crazy but close your eyes and picture the bulb lighting up.".
     I closed my eyes imagining the bulb burning brighter and brighter till it was burning my hand. Brighter I though. Brighter. Brighter. "Ahh!" I yelled dropping the bulb on my rug. "It burnt me!" I screamed jumping of my bed. "How the hell did it burn me! It wasn't connected to power!" I screamed so confused I had no idea what to think.
     "You have a gift love." My father said soothingly. "Oh sure ya I'm magical!" I yelled sarcastically. "Well not exactly but yes in the sense." He responded sounding a bit amused. My face dropped. "Your lying ." I said as I stopped pacing stopping dead in my tracks. "Why would I lie?" He asked his tone matching mine, "Love you are not what you think you are. The school that you are going to is for people like us.They will help you learn how to use your gifts." Father continued. "And what exactly are my "gifts", I asked skeptically.
      " Isabella you are not just a human. You are so much more. You are the goddess of lighting. One of the strongest of our people." He spoke proudly. "I don't understand any of this. A goddess? How? That only happens on TV and in books!" I cried. "I know you do not believe me but that is why you have the dreams you do.". I whipped around, "How did you know about that?" I whispered. "It's part of you remembering who you are.". "I wasn't completely honest..." he continued. "You are not just a goddess. You are Princess Isabella of the first royal family."

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