That boy

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That's the second time this week, the third of the month that Tadashi doesn't appear at school, this hadn't happened in a while, about a year actually, so obviously Tsukki is worried. He is fucking worried about his boyfriend, because his boyfriend hates to miss school, but most of all he is frustrated, what happened? Yesterday, Yamaguchi missed school as well and since then Kei has been sending tons of messages asking what happened and there are no answers. What the fuck is happening? Has he done something wrong? He doesn't recall. Has something happened to Tadashi? Well, his parents would have told him, they know they are dating and they accept it, they just love their son-in-law.

The last bell rangs and Tsukki is too tired and sad without his boyfriend to go to practice, the whole day people asked him where Yamaguchi was and he got angrier and angrier for not knowing. Before leaving the classroom, he goes to Tadashi's desk and just stares at it, he wants his lover, he wants to hear his laugh, to see his smile and his freckles and to feel him.
People wouldn't think Kei is a clingy boyfriend and he isn't, but he's possessive and just like a spoiled child he likes to have the people and stuff he likes around him, all the time if possible, besides he does not only like Yamaguchi, he loves him, so he should be always there and Tsukki wants to be wanted by Yamaguchi's side as well, he wants to shower the boy with love and never let him go.

Tsukishima puts a hand on the desk and he finally notice something written on it, it definitely is Tadashi's handwriting, it's a poem, it says:

that boy in your class,
he laughs.
he has a smile that lights up
an entire room.

that boy in your class,
he has great grades,
he doesn't even have to try.

that boy in your class,
he has seemingly amazing friends,
who care about him.

that boy in your class,
he has scars;
lines marking his body
and friends that don't notice
and some that don't care.

that boy in your class,
doesn't remember
what it's like to not cry.
he cries himself to sleep
every night.

but hey, he smiles.
so he's okay.

Tsukishima is afraid, what is this? It can't be from Yamaguchi... but it is his desk and his writing, he did always wait for everybody get out of the locker room so he would change into and out of his uniform... and Yamaguchi doesn't go to the beach nor the pool, he doesn't feel comfortable being intimate... no it can't be, not his Tadashi, no, no, no.

Just no.

Tsukishima is running, he has to get out of this school and be on Yamaguchi's house as fast as possible, he has to hold his boyfriend and be sure that he's alright, that poem is not about him, no way! He runs and runs, when he's about to get through the gates Hinata stops him.



"Wait! I've got a message from Yamaguchi for you! He told me he hasn't spoken to you and you'd probably would be worried, he says he's okay, it's just a cold. He didn't want to talk to you, because you would go to him and he doesn't want you getting it from him."

What a lie, whenever Yamaguchi was sick he would call Tsukki first thing, because he loves to be spoiled by his boyfriend, Kei can't believe Tadashi is lying to him, it has never happened before, at least he thinks so, or used to, now he feels like he doesn't know anything anymore. "Thanks Hinata. Please tell Daichi I'm not feeling well, I'm going home." It's all Tsukki manages to say, Hinata gives out a smile and screams to Tsukishima to tell Yamaguchi to get well as soon as the blond runs.

As Tsukki gets to his lover house, Tadashi's mother opens the door. "Hello, Kei, he hasn't left his room since the day before yesterday, I don't know what to do, I wanted to call you, but the only thing he asked me when he got home was not to call you. I thought you boys had fought, please help me."

That boy in your class | TsukkiYamaWhere stories live. Discover now