The Seventh Month

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July. The seventh month and the first step towards summer. Each year is the same, June ends in a flurry of hot and wet but July brings the onslaught of long, hot days in the sun, stretching daylight hours to the point where the sun and the moon almost sit in the sky at the same time.

July is the month where I enjoy days in the sun. And by that I mean the sun coming in through my window. School's out and I spend hours flopped over untidy covers, the sun beating down onto my uncovered arms as I laze around, scrolling endlessly through my social medias; reading fanfiction after fanfiction; reading books I've read a million times before; writing books I'll never finish.

Each day seems to drag by for ages but I don't mind. I move occasionally downstairs to get food or relive myself. But maybe I'm wasting these days away. What has my life become when I'd rather spend hours doing nothing instead of going outside and communicating with other humans. I want to be out where but this is my July and this is how I waste it.

The days flit by at unimaginable speed. Despite each day alone lasting millenia, the month itself seems to fly by. At last it is July 31st and I think back to the 1st of this month. How I'd looked forward to what I planned to do: the staying out late; hours in the sun; hanging out with friends and laughing the nights away. And now I sit on Harry Potter's birthday thinking back on how I did nothing, pondering the point of my life and why I waste everything and I remember:

This is July. My July and I'll enjoy it my way. Despite my mistakes and regrets. It's gonna be good.

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