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I could't help but wonder.
    Seeing someone sit so quietly in the corner is a curious thing. Iv'e done the same thing many times before, of course, I'm not much of a vivacious person. Even while in the middle of a conversation with well known others, the pleasant distraction of wondering about him was like a random, sweet daydream.
    Does he think like I do? Does he see differently then everyone else? What's he thinking now? I wonder why he's so
quiet in this awfully chatty room. Has he ever noticed me before?
   Thinking about him more is going to keep bugging me unless I do something about it.

    He pulled out a book from his backpack, I didn't get a chance to see the title.
He's so....... chill.

    God Dammit, I Don't Like chill.
It bugs me. There's always something hidden behind a layer of calm, just like the ice age, humanity wouldn't have found fossils that unlocked keys to history if they weren't the least bit curious as to what was inside.

He seems different.

    I'm not sure what it is that makes me think that, maybe my guts trying to tell me something. But I do know I cant just sit here and stare at him, he might think I'm weird. Probably already does.

    I get up from my seat and walk over to his. I try to see his eyes but the sides of his glasses block the view. Wonder what color they are.
Deep breath.

Hey? Really Whitney? C'mon you could do better than that.
    Doesn't seem like he heard me though, heads too deep in that book of his.

It's like he's deaf! Or maybe, he doesn't think I'm talking to him, hm......
  I'll make sure he knows.

I flop my hand on the pages and move it around as if i'm wiping something all over the book.
"Hey, What the-!!!"
"What do. You want?" He sounded slightly irritated. His voice is nice though, reminds me of vanilla ice cream, not sure why. There's a gentle sweetness in his voice too there somewhere. Maybe it sounds better when he's not mad at me.
" I just wanted to know why you're so quiet in this room, when you could be somewhere else that could be better for reading."
"Um... because it's the way I am?"
    I squinted my eyes at him, he doesn't even have class in here first period with me. Why would he be sitting in here? Not to mention all the noise the others are making, doesn't that bother him?
    I plopped myself on the chair in front of him, as soon as I did he started packing.
"If you wanted me to leave, you could've just said so."
"No! I don't want you to leave, I just..... wanted to talk to you."
    He paused in the middle of getting up and stared at me. Still irritated I'm guessing.
I had to think about that one, outright saying 'I've been thinking about you' probably isn't the best answer. I could end up sounding creepy. Who knows, maybe he'd slap me later for invading his privacy.
"Well... because I'm interested in you."

"I-I Mean not in a like-like way but in a mutual interest in you, kinda, ..way....."
I stuttered.
He probably thinks I like him now, which isn't a bad thing, I mean, I don't.. not like him. Now that I think about it he is.......... pretty.... cute.....   

...reaaally cute.
    Lord forgive me for being a sucker for dark features and dark.. beautiful... eyes——WHITNEY STOP IT.
No time for girly feature appreciation
I know I can't just like someone for their looks, that's a horrible way to think, even books with amazing covers are not guaranteed a great story.

He was looking at the floor and his small grin slipped and slowly faded.
"What about your other friends? Don't they wanna hang out with you?"
To be honest.
I don't really think they want to anymore.
"Well stranger, I'm not even sure of my place with them, sometimes I'm there, sometimes I feel like I'm not, sometimes I'm in, sometimes I'm the oddball out. Sometimes I don't say a word and I'm caught up in daydreams and sometimes I have full conversations with one of em, depends on my mood. Maybe it's my fault I'm like that, But I still love them, even if I'm not......   I don't know.
    BUT, I do know they've been with me since the beginning, if.. the beginning counts as 3rd grade that is. Heheh. By the way, I don't know your name. I probably should've asked when I first came over but you know, caught up in the moment..."
He looked puzzled, maybe thinking about what I said, his face stayed confused for awhile it seemed.
    It's making me worry just a little bit, maybe I'm just being weird and I really am making no sense.

"Ah-Sorry, my name's Oliver."
"Huh. Iv'e never met someone with that name till now."
"Yee, it's true, now Iv'e confirmed a Bit of evidence on the gut theory."
"Nutin, hey did you want tooooo..... maybe sit with me at lunch....
maybe.... if you want?"

Where is all of this confidence coming from?
   I have Never, acted like this in front of a guy before, this is new, verrry new, why's he making me feel this way?? My gosh, I really want more of his attention. I wanna learn more about this Human!!!

"Sure, I don't have any other plans besides, eating."

Oh my glob.
He said sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2018 ⏰

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