A Little Thing Called Magic

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Hi guys! This is my first one-shot, and I really hope that you enjoy it. Feel free to comment your feedback, negative or positive, because I'd love to know what you thought. My twitter is @zourryunicorns, and I'll post some more information about upcoming fanfics/stories there.  Check it out, if you'd like. Please enjoy my lovelies!

Love, Leah xx


The air outside was cool and refreshing, the sparks of frost slowly setting off around the balcony. My loose chocolate curls tickled my forehead as the light breeze swept them to the side. Black ink was spilling across the sky as nighttime settled into the atmosphere of Cheshire. It was ten o’clock in the evening, two hours until 2014 began. The faint sound of the music coming from inside of Louis and I’s flat was drifting through my ears, mixed with the chatter of the cheerful guests. We held a party for New Years Eve every year, and invited almost the entire town every time. It was a hit every single time.

I hummed contently as I rested my forearms on the railing of the balcony and stared out over the horizon. The branches and leaves on the trees in the backyard now began to dance in the wind, creating a melody of soft rustling that flowed through the air. I hugged my warm, gray jacket closer to my body as an earthquake of shivers shot through my spine, sending small, icy aftershocks to other parts of my body. The temperature was quickly beginning to drop.

An ocean of warmth crashed over me as I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a smooth rhythm of breath cascading across the back of my neck, followed by a soft brush of lips in the same area. I recognized that scent of a mix of lilac and mint emanating from behind me, and knew exactly who it belonged to. The weight attached to me then shifted upwards a little bit, and then I felt a chin on my shoulder.

“Having fun, Haz?” The words seemed to dance on my eardrums as a gust of heavenly breath blew them into my system.

“It’s…magical, Boo.” He could make me speechless in a heartbeat.

I spun around to face Louis, wrapping my arms around his shoulders while his remained locked around my waist. Right then, I wished that I could throw the key to our locked arms away, so we could stay like this forever.

What I saw as I turned around was truly beautiful. His eyes literally sparkled in the night, almost hypnotizing me into a trance of ocean shades. His hair and fringe perfectly framed his fair-toned face, the brown shades flawlessly entwining themselves in the long strands of hair. The corners of his lips were tugged into a small, gentle smile, and I glided my own pink lips against his for a split second as I brushed his fringe out of the way of his piercing eyes.

My heart fluttered as I felt Louis dismount from his position on his tiptoes and rest his head on my chest.

“I love you so much…so, so much, Harry.” Those words tattooed themselves against my mind as Louis cooed them against my body, where his head was resting. I leaned over and pressed my lips to the top of his hair as my eyes trickled shut.

“Stay with me forever,” I mumbled onto his scalp. The faint taste of vanilla shampoo left my mouth as I opened my eyes. Louis was now looking up at me, his chin still on my chest, our arms still locked tightly around each other.

“Anytime I’m with you is an infinity,” he said, in his angelic and passionate voice. “We’ll be together forever, Harry. And in that forever, we’ll experience infinity infinities together.”

Droplets of water began to expand in my eyes, and I felt my lips start to quiver slightly. Do not cry. Do not cry. Do not cry, I thought to myself. His words were so deep and amazing, they actually did make me want to cry. I didn’t know what to say, the speechless effect that he had on me was returning. I wanted him now, forever, and beyond forever…to infinity and beyond.

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