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No, no, no!
That can't possibly be right-
Pink is bad
Only red

Clear is bad too
It makes the red pink
I hate pink.

Help me find the red, please.
You can help right?
Yes, surely you are the perfect thing...

I love the way you shine
The way if I hold you to the light at the perfect angle
I'll see myself

But you're so small
How could you make me see the red?
Is it I who makes myself see the red?
Or is it you who helps to make me see the red?

'Tis be a team effort, indeed.
I cannot see red without you
But can I?

I see the red if I tear the hangnail off far enough
Or if I fall off my bike
Or if my uterus attacks me for the week

How is it that I need you so much?
Aren't you just a useless piece of metal?
Aren't you?

Oh, but I need you-
I do.
The sting feels nice-
Makes me feel something-

I need you to make me feel the pain I deserve
I need you to make me see the red
I love red.

I'll be the canvas if you be the paintbrush.
The red shall be the paint...
And together...

Together we shall make a mural.

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