Chapter 1

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"This wasn't supposed to happen" I  screamed silently. Repeating the one sentence over and over my head, unsuccessfully trying to block out the piercing cries and pleas of my friends. The sound of gunshots blasted throughout the school.


"WILL!" The voice shouted more urgently.

My eyes sprang open. I was breathing heavily, sweat running down my face and body. Realizing I was safe in bed, I tried to calm down.

"What?" I muttered sleepily, to the worried looking boy next to my bed.

"Are you okay?" He asks concern radiating from his eyes. Leo was my little brother, two years younger than me and although we were years apart, we were very close. He was short for his age with sandy blonde hair that never seemed to behave.

"I'm fine." I tell him, It was just a nightmare".

"You sure you're okay?" he asks looking more relaxed now that I was awake.

"I'll be a lot better after a shower." I joked as I struggled out of bed.

He nodded and walked out of the room his small figure disappearing around the corner.  Before showering I stared at my reflection, My eyes were framed by deep black circles. My messy brown hair looked unkempt and greasy. My skin was pale and rough, and I looked like hadn't eaten. I had always been a scrawny kid when I was younger people used to mistake me for a girl, but now I looked malnourished, unhealthy skinny.  I looked awful. I sighed and proceeded to peel off my clothes and step into the lukewarm water.  Two weeks had passed since the shooting. My mother had paid for a therapist, I was going to see her later today.

After getting dressed, I walked towards the kitchen and saw Leo in the dining room reading a novel.

"Whacha reading," I asked?

"A book."

Rolling my eyes, I  open the fridge and grab the remainder of the bacon. It sizzled in the pan releasing the mouthwatering scent into the kitchen.

"Do I smell bacon?" He exclaims excitedly slamming shut his book and walking towards me.

BANG!  I flinched and dropped the spatula. My eyes flickered to the recently fallen book. Trembling slightly, I breathed in deeply trying to calm myself down. Leo rushed in looking alarmed.

"What was that for!" I snapped.

He looks at me tears filling his eyes he replies "I'm sorry, I didn't.. I wasn't thinking".

"I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Sorry for yelling. I was just a little startled by the noise."

I picked up the spatula and tried to change the topic.

"Mum"s out again?"

"She had to go to work."

"Again?" I ask. He shrugged and gently placed his book on the table.

"Food ready?" He asked, his eyes on the pan.

"Foods ready."

After scoffing down breakfast, I said goodbye to Leo, put my earphones in and set out on the quiet walk to the therapist. I liked walking. It was peaceful, and it gave me time to think. If I was honest, I was nervous about going. However, I was also looking forward to it. I was done being scared, and hopefully, this would be my first step to recovery. It wasn't a long walk, and arrived at the building five minutes before my appointment. The receptionist, a short woman wearing a collared shirt and a tight skirt, asked for my name and when I replied she instructed me to enter the first room on my right.

Damaged (one shot)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin