Thunder Struck

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The rain fell heavy that night, only accompanied by the bright flashes of lightning and loud rolling thunder. The cliffside roads often crumble in weather such as this, causing many carriage accidents and deaths.

"WAHAHAHA! Look! There's an accident!" A portly, middle aged man shouted with glee. He was missing a few teeth and balding. Combine his looks with the overbearing stench of alcohol, it is safe to say this man was unattractive.

"Wait, honey!" Called out a far younger, more attractive woman. "I don't want to get involved in this! We should just leave and head home to Di-"

"Shut up! This is a rich man's carriage! He's a noble!" The stout man excitedly slid down the cliff in hopes of looting the scene, only to be met face to mutilated face with the corpse of the driver, skewerd on the broken carriage wheel. "Damn..."

The man turned his attention to the other body lying near by. "That one over there's a goner too." In no time, the man began looting the noble's body with vigor.

"Dear! There's a dead woman inside the carriage, but she's holding a baby that's still alive! She must have died protecting him." The woman shouted.

"Who cares?! That brat isn't going to get us rich!" The man yelled back while slipping the wedding ring off the nobleman's hand.

"D-Dario what are you doing?!"

"You're dafter than you look, Ronnie! I'm taking everything that's worth somthin'! One man's misfortune is another man's gain! WA HA HA HA!"

"How horrible..." Ronnie muttered to herself before deciding to check on the infant inside the carriage. As she approched, the once presumed dead woman carefully made her way out of the wreckage, baby still wailing in her arms.

"George...?" She said weakly. Ronnie quickly ran to the woman and helped her out. Once the woman was fully on her feet, Ronnie couldn't help but be amazed at how frighteningly tall she was. She had to be at least 195cm tall!

"Thank you Ms....?"

Brought out of the state of awe at the woman's height, Ronnie quickly reponded "Huh? O-oh! Brando! My name is Ronnie Brando!"

The woman smiled at Ronnie. "Ms.Brando, my name is Mary Joestar, I thank you for coming to help me and my son from this accident. I dont have anything to repay you on me as of now, but if you ever need a favor, I will do my best to grant it."

Ronnie stammered, "No no! I'm afraid you have the wrong idea ma'am! I just followed my husband down here-"
Mary placed her hand on Ronnie's shoulder and smiled.

"I can tell you are a good woman, Ms.Brando, even if it wasn't your intention to come help initially-" Mary suddenly looked up and spotted Dario shuffling around the body of her husband.

"Excuse me sir, but what do you think you are doing to my husband?" Dario jumped at the threatening tone of Mary's voice. Whipping around he sees the giant of a woman quickly closing the distance between them.

Dario held his hat to his chest and sheepishly looked up at the woman sending him daggers with her glare. "I-I was just checking up on the poor man, tryin' to see if he was still amongst us, ma'am." Mary had not said a word. She simply lifted a single eyebrow. She knew he was lying to her.
Dario started to fidget, growing more nervous under the woman's scrutinizing gaze.

"I'm afraid he already passed over, m'lady." He added on, desperate to escape her gaze. Mary knelt down to George's body and placed her free hand on his chest. It was true, though she didn't want to believe it, it was true. Her husband has passed on.

"Oh George..." Mary managed to say before letting out a choked sob. Too overcome with grief, she had not noticed Dario slip away, pockets lined with George's wallet and ring. Ronnie saw as her husband ran off without her, but chose to stay with the grieving noblewoman. Placing her hand on Mary's shoulder, Ronnie spoke.

"Ma'am, we really should get you and your son out of the rain..."

Mary sobs died down. "Ms. Brando... You truly are a kind woman." Standing back up, Mary looked at the smaller woman before her. "As I said before, if you ever need a favor, Ms. Brando, I swear to you, I will do anything within my power to grant it."

"I'm thankful, milady, but we really should get out of this rain and call the police."

"Yes... Yes you're right. We should hurry, before more scoundrels arrive to loot my poor husband's body."

It didn't take long for the police to arrive at the scene. Ronnie left soon afterwards, saying she worried about her own child at home. Mary watched as George's body was carried off to an undertaker, to prepare him for his funeral. She noticed his wedding ring was missing, and she couldn't help but clench her jaw, as she remembered the man she caught fumbling around his body.
'God have mercy on that man's soul should our paths ever cross again.'

Don't really know what inspired me to create this AU, let alone write it, but I'm not going to question it.

This chapter feels short, but it got the job done. It may not be the best written fic, but I'm proud of what I got from the first chapter.

Also, you're going to have to tear the "tall Mary Joestar" headcanon away from my cold, dead hands.

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