Salumbor the khajiit: Skyrim Fanfiction

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REMINDER: this is my Khajiit's back story, so dont assume its your Khajiits back story. Also, this story is originally made by me. Please ask if you would like to use names, terms, or anything originally made by me in this story. Also, details about characters will be in the end (Color, size, extc.) Thank you, and enjoy reading!:

Salumbor, was of course, a male Khajiit. Salumbor was abandoned by his mother at an orphanage in Riften, leaving him in a basket on their doorstep, a note on him. The note said, " I'm so sorry my love, but, i cannot take care of you. I am in trouble with a certain Nord, and I fear my cub will be in danger. Please take care of him. His name is Salumbor, Sal for short. I love him so much, and i hope you will keep him safe." 

After that, Salumbor grew up around greedy creatures. Luckily though, creatures like khajiit's were, not exactly welcomed, but they were allowed to live in the city. When Salumbor became five, he was bullied by the other children in the orphanage. They mocked him for his race, and for the fact that no one would ever adopt him. So, he started picking fights with the children. He was beat by the head mistress for this. He was put to work for fighting the children, helping the woman in the kitchen to cook. He became quite a good cook, and even after the head mistress said he could stop working, he continued to work anyway.

After awhile, Salumbor met an Argonian named Fadum. Fadum went to work in the orphanage as a cook to help pay for his family. Salumbor and Fadum became friends quickly, and after the work day had ended, Sal and Fadum would either play in the town, or sit on the bridge, watching the water flow by. One day, after work, Fadum said to Sal, "One day Sal, you'll see, im going to become a great warrior, and ill fight every dragon that comes in my way. You can come with me if you want! We can have great adventures together!" Fadum smiled, and Salumbor smiled back, hoping and dreaming of the day that this dream would come true.

When Salumbor was fifth-teen, he and Fadum both fifth-teen, sneaked out of Riften one night. They both went looking for an adventure, hoping that both they're dreams would come true. Fadum picked up what looked to be a tree branch, and used it as a sword, swinging and stabbing the air. Salumbor did the same, waving a quite smaller branch, imagining himself and Fandum fighting a humongous dragon, with blood red eyes, and sharp claws. After about a half-hour of doing this, they both became hungry, cold, and tired, so they headed back. On the way back, a mugger came leaping from nearby bushes, with a knife, threatening them to give him all of his gold, or they would pay for it. Salumbor quickly gave him the three bits of gold he had, too scared to fight. When Salumbor looked to Fadum saying, "Go on, quickly before he kills us!", Fadum shook his head, and ran at the attacker, leaping onto him, punching him harder and harder. The attacker suddenly pulled out his Dagger, and stabbed Fadum in the lungs. Salumbor screamed, picked up a tree branch, and ran at the attacker. He hit him in the stomach, not cutting the skin, but knocked him onto the ground long enough for him to grab his dagger from the ground. Salumbor stabbed him in the heart, then multiple times in the lungs, screaming through the entire ordeal.

When Salumbor saw the life drain from his eyes, he got up and rushed to his only friend in the world. He was still alive! Salumbor picked him up the best he could, and faced Fadum towards him on his lap. Salumbor said over and over, "It will be okay! Ill get help, just hang in there!" Even though he knew that no one could help him. Fadum coughed up blood into Salumbor's face, and held his hand. He whispered to him, "Sal, make yourself known in this world. Y-you need to become a" Salumbor felt his body relax, and saw the life flood from his eyes. Salumbors ears sagged down. and tears dripped onto Fadum's lifeless body. He repeated over and over, "NO! YOU CANT BE DEAD! NO!" The guards arrived after twenty minutes of the painful torture that awakened inside of Salumbor. His one and only friend in this world was dead, and could never come back, no matter how much he wished, or prayed.

Three years passed, and he still never left Riften. He helped Fadum's family with money issues, and food. Fadum's family never objected him, and accepted him for who he was, even though he was a Khajiit. Fadum's little brother, who just turned four, always called him his brother. Salumbor never felt more welcome, and he wanted to make sure that nothing could happen to them. Salumbor was soon fired from his cooking job, and couldn't help pay Fadum's family. He soon found himself stealing, and pick pocketing. He knew he was doing an injustice towards other citizens, but he couldn't help it. He found that it was in his blood.

One day, he decided to go outside of Riften, to find a real job elsewhere. He hugged his new family goodbye for now, and left on his horse. Soon, he found himself crossing borders into an imperial ambush. He was captured, and brought to die on the block, where his promise towards Fandum would soon begin.


Salumbor: Salumbor has dark brown fur, black face paint, Lynx ears with earings.

Fadum: Fadum has green skin, with orange eyes.

Salumbor the khajiit: Skyrim FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now