Dunkirk- tommy the shy boy

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I am a female officer. Don't mock! I just wanted to not be one of those girls that just sit on the sidelines and just hope. I don't want to hope. I want to be there and experience it for my self.

A year later

Gibson wouldn't go up so I went. It's barely come in I said. For **** sake Alex shouted. Calm down I said, it won't be long. Urrgh just wait till I get my hands on those Natzis! Alex shouted. Had enough of Alex's temper, I sat next to a quiet boy with dark hair and given up, dark eyes. As soon as he saw me he covered up what looked like a big wound on his neck with his collar. Your hurt, I said. The boy just merely shook his head. Well can you tell me at least what your name is? I asked. Tommy he said nervously. Don't think I was born yesterday tommy, I know your hurt, I said softly. Suddenly his eyes went wide. It suddenly dawned on me. Alex was looking at him with a murderous expression on his face. Suddenly I knew what had  happened. You hurt him didn't you!! I shouted angrily. He deserved it, Alex said. Nobody deserves to be hurt! I shouted. Alex didn't say anything. Meanwhile, tears were welling up in Tommys hypnotic Hazel brown  eyes. Oh Tommy, I whispered into his ear, softly, why didn't you fight back? Tommy was shaking so much. Eventually he managed to croak out, he was too strong. I wrapped my arms around him barely even managing to hold on to him because he was shaking so much. Suddenly there was shooting and everyone scrambled to plug the holes. 

On the civilian boat.

I was sitting next to a terrified tommy. My heart went out to him. Were going home, tommy I said softly. I never got your name he said, looking at the floor. Georgie I said as I kissed his neck softly.   Thank you for everything Georgie He said quietly as he went to sleep. Goodnight Georgie he said softly. Goodnight, tommy, I said. The next morning I found that I was sleeping on his shoulder. I wasn't that bothered with bombs because I was ok with loud noises but when a nearby bomb dropped on a destroyer boat it woke tommy up with a jolt. He jumped out of his peaceful slumber and instinctively stood up. No, no tommy it's ok I said hurriedly. He sat down but was breathing really fast. A bomb, he said, clearly petrified, it dropped. It's ok I said soothingly as I rubbed his back, it wasn't anywhere near us. He breathed a sigh of relief but that quickly turned into a frozen scaredness. Alex was looming above us. Stand up tommy, he said confidently. Tommy reluctantly stood up. Alex waited a few seconds before pinning him up against the wall and trying to choke him. Unable to breath or to stand up to Alex, tommy took big raspy breaths. Alex stop! I said as I pushed Alex aside. T- thanks Georgie, Tommy gasped. Wait I said to him, I have one more thing that I want to do. I wasn't regretting my decision as I went up to Alex. How dare you I said before punching him hard in the face. Then I said. Who deserves it now? And walked off. Georgie, you didn't need to do that- tommy began before I put my arms around him and kissed him softly. Your so brave I breathed. Don't be ridiculous, he said breathlessly between kisses, your the one who punched Alex. Let's just say this carried on for quite a while.

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