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I wake up from the sound of the booming alarm. I use my weak hungover strength over myself and hit the snooze. I do not want to get up. My insides are humming out of tune to my hunger.  I open my eyes and look at the beat of the fan above my eyes.

She screams. Again. My tired body pushes up from my comfort. I walk over to my beaten down drawers and grab and oversized t-shirt. Probably from one of many guys.

I walk down the stairs hearing loud screams. It's weird how natural I can be in this house. 

"Morning Joe." The only words I will probably ever speak today. I am so tired.

"Nice day isn't it" He says as we hear the witch scream.

I smile at his comment. At least someone in the house has a sense of humor. I lost everything when he left.

Most people say Joe is only here for the money. I think they're right. No one wants to be with my mother.

I grab a bowel and fill it with some cereal. As I sit down she calls my name. No. I scarf the food down as she continues to yell. I finish and throw my bowl in the sink as I walk up the stairs.

"Olivia, I was waiting! Doesn't matter tell your brother that he needs to get his act together or he's out!" She yells as she slams the door on my face. Of course.

"Yup" I reply adding another word to my list today. I walk into my room and grab some high rise jeans with an oversized t-shirt. I still knock on the bathroom door even though it's open because last time my twin brother was fucking my ex- best friend.

I think that all girls should know you should never fuck your brother. Especially your twin. I think there should be a code, sisters before misters. You can disagree, I don't mind.

I walk in and see the leftover alcohol and weed spread out on the floor. I push a can with my foot and reach for my mascara. I slop it on and rush out of there before I start to smell.

I put on my beat up converse and grab my book bag before rushing out of the house. 

"Livy!" Josh yells. I start my car.

"Can I catch I ride?" He says reaching my car out of breath. I give him my stare and then close my door. I drive off and he punches the air out of anger. I'm happy he's mad.

I get to the school and hop out of my car.  I grab my bag and look down as I walk. 

"Ollliiviaaa..." Jessica sings as she runs over to me. 

I roll my eyes "hey" I spit at her sending her signals to leave me alone.

"Um, is Josh going to be in class because I need to ask him out pronto" She states as she flips her golden blond hair. 

I just keep walking. I grunt when I open the doors. Everyone stares. 

It's okay I'm used to it.

Jessica walks away. "I hate that bitch" I say a little to loud. 

Think of it this way, I am the twin sister of the biggest jock in the school. He fucked my only friend and I am actually the biggest loser in this school. I eat alone at lunch everyday outside listening to my music. When it rains, if I'm lucky I talk to the school nurse. 

I walk into first period. I take my seat in the very back. Nick Lekovish always stares at me when I walk. If I'm not the biggest loser, he is.

The day goes on and at lunch Josh ends up sitting with me at my tree. 

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