Part 1

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"I'm not crazy," Aureatia shrieked, her screams resonating down the corridor as she ran out the room. Her mother chased after her, begging her to come back and listen to what she had to say.
"No one is saying that you are crazy,  honey," her mother said after she had finally caught up with her, "but the psychiatrist thinks that perhaps you should try going to a specialist hospital just for a little whil-"
"So you're sending me off to a mental asylum then?" Aureatia butted in, her voice dripping with poison.
"Honey, it's not like that," her mother tried to placate her with soothing words, but it was no use; Aureatia was far too angry to see sense.

One week later
Despite Aureatia's protests, there was nothing she could do. Her parents, had refused to listen to her desperate pleas, instead telling her that the psychiatrist knew what was best for her and that she shouldn't worry about it. She was outraged that her parents didn't believe  her.

She remembered the first time she had heard the voices; how excited she had been to tell her mother about the new friend she had made. At the time she did not understand why her mother just laughed when she introduced her, but now she realised; her mother could not see any of her 'friends'. Neither could any one else, for that matter.

She had spent her childhood being the outcast, as nobody wanted to be friends with the crazy girl with the imaginary friends. That was okay though, she had the voices to talk to. Sometimes they were just whispers in her head and other times they manifested in physical forms. Every voice had a story to tell; the story of how they died.
  After a school trip to a haunted house Aureatia finally realised that all the voices were actually ghosts. Fragmented beings from the past forced to live out an eternal hell after they died.

After coming to this realisation, Aureatia has tried to find out more about these supernatural beings, reading ancient books in the library, and looking online to try and find others with the same ability as her. Sadly, it was to no avail. It seemed she was alone in this world, shunned by society.

Aureatia and her mother arrived at a foreboding building, its shadow looming over them, casting patches of darkness over the cracked stone path. Her mother started to walk towards the building, gesturing for Aureatia to follow her. Reluctantly she did so, she knew there was nothing she could do to change her mother's mind.
"This looks like a nice place," her mother chirped brightly, trying to fill the deafening silence between them. Aureatia didn't even acknowledge her, focusing instead on trying not to burst into tears.
     Her mother reached out and knocked on the old oak door sharply, and stepped back, waiting for it to open.
"Hello, you must be Aureatia," a woman with short blonde hair greeted her with a beaming smile, which Aureatia did not return. "Do come in dear," the woman continued, completely un-phased by Aureatia's lack of response. Aureatia stepped into the dimly lit lobby, and looked around, taking in her surroundings. The furniture and decor seemed to be that of another era; after a second glance Aureatia decided that it was Victorian. This was certainly not the torture chamber that she had expected, but even so Aureatia was not looking forward to adjusting to living here, away from everything she had ever known and loved.

Okay, so here's the standard author's note: basically I hope you enjoyed part one of head case! I will hopefully write part 2 soon, and you will actually see some plot development happening soon. Anyway ttyl people <(^•^<)   X_X
P.s thanks again to OrionStar01 for drawing those amazing versions of my terrible little oc's (go and check out her account and all that jazz)

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