updated rules

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This is my second one since the first one got deleted and I know everyone hates rules but mime arent hard

-smut in pm and cursing is aloud

-tagging is fine as long as spamming

-i do have school so im not on all the time but most of the time

-each rp will have two oc a male and female so you can choose which one you want to do or use both but if you use both you have to have two ocs of your own

-it is very much preferred that you have two ocs. One male and one female or just one male because I myself am a girl and I do like playing a girl player but I will also play a boy for the rp

-BE DESCRIPTIVE. If you are not I will give you a warning and after that I just wont respond any more

-keep it interesting, if I get bored of it i wont respond

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