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"NO," was screamed into the night as two bodies dropped to the floor. One cradling the other.

"Dick, baby, stay with me. It's gonna be ok, you're gonna be ok," whimpered the figure holding who we've come to understand is called Dick.

As we look closer at the body in the arms of a caring lover, we see multiple stab wounds carved into the man. The, now visible, woman is crying over him putting pressure on as many of the carved out holes as possible. Now bawling, the woman crumbles over the dying man, whispering prayers to God that the man would live. But tonight those prayers would go unanswered. 

Cradling his head in her arms, she rocks back and forth, unable to comprehend what's happening to her, to them. A figure limps to stand infront of their forms. "YOU!" the women screeches into the air.

"Vic, I.." coughed the dying man bringing the attention of both the assailant and the woman to him. But before the man could get another word out he fell into a coughing spell. Leaving 'Vic' to roll him, as gently as she could, onto his side. Only for an irony substance to be splattered on to the shingles below them.

"Sh sshh," hushed the small in stature woman. "You'll be fine, you'll be okay, everything will be okay." muttered Vic.

"He's dying." Cruelly stating the facts, the figure, a voice said robotically. "Misstress Victoria, Master Richards chances of survival are 2%. How shall we proceed?"

"We don't," cried the woman fearfully. "We can't, not after.." She trailed off as she raised her head to the figure standing idle infront of them.

Victoria looks quickly back down at Richard, only to find his skin pale and pulse nonexistent. Screaming out, Victoria bunches herself up, holding his head into her chest, head bowed down. His life had been snuffed out. Unable to hold her rage back, Victoria untangles herself from his corpse and shoots herself at his killer.

Punch, kick. Repeat. Unable to land a hit on her assailant and not thinking clearly enough to use her powers. She isn't able to fight anymore. The figure lands a hit into her abdomen, leaving her breathless. Unable to fight any longer she let herself be flung onto the opposite side of the roof top. Light flashes over head as a storm commences overhead. Light beams across the faces of both Victoria and the assailant. The face, now illuminated, is no recognized as Batman, her father figure and friend. Leaving nothing but sorrow bleedng from her wounds. Ready for death, she heaves herself up so that she may stare him in the face as he drains the life from her body. Ready for the inevitable, she mentally prepares for the moment she is to die. But before that moment could come into fruition, her powers, unable to let their mistress die, open a portal, dropping her into it. Leading her into Light.


So I know what you're gonna say, "Why is she writing another book when she had a perfectly good one already?" But heat me out, I lost my motivation for that story, but I have new motivation for this story. See, plain and simple :). Talk to you later my pretties!

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