Loser, Lame-Ass, Wannabe

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"Hi, I'm Claire, I'm 16 going on 17,"
Ugh. I can almost hear my awkward laugh echo through the bored class as I make a feeble attempt at a half-decent introduction.
"Get it, it's a 'Sound of Music' pun..?"
Stop. STOP.
I say as I clear my throat, while also trying to clear the silence.
"I've had the pleasure of transferring here from Dublin, Ireland, and I'm very excited to get to know you all in our encounters in class and hopefully outside as well!" 
The uninterested glances slowly morph into a mixture of uncontainable laughter and utter sympathy for who seems to be me... What's going on that is odd enough to cause actual surprise throughout this melancholy sea of faces?
Then I realized what it was.
I, the foreign new girl, was already the innocent target of malicious rumors forged by the non-diligent students.
Horrified, I lifted my post-vibrate phone and read the words on the lighted screen.
"They think I'm GAY, mom. Fucking gay. What if girls ask me out? What if I never get a MALE prom date!?"
"Calm down, sweetheart." My mother kindly said in her empathic voice, "Recite to me exactly what it said again, dear." I grasped my phone and recounted the letters jumping out at me.
"Loser, Lame-Ass, Wannabe. She's SO gay and she probs has a crush on me. But I can't like blame her, who wouldn't have a crush on me?"
I read in the most rich-bitch I could possibly speak in.
"Honey, it's not so bad. Okay, it's bad, but over time it will pass. This is just how high school is. Trust me, I was your age once, too. Just remember-",
"I know, mom, 'Without perseverance, talent is a barren bed.'"
I quote, cutting my mom off with the words so often spoken to me in my childhood.
"I know.."

So this is a bit of a prologue for y'all, hope you like it! Also, shit is about to get awkward and a bit perverted, so if you dislike such material, do not read this story. Love ya

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2018 ⏰

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