The Curse of Shortness

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        The sun went down and the stars began to come out, and everyone in the Slender Mansion began to stir as it was close to their usual time of awakening. Everyone except Jeff, who was still in a deep sleep. The man's raven black locks lie sprawled out on the pillow as he lie still, his mind captured in his dreams. The still air was disrupted as he rolled onto his side with a groan. Jeff grew silent once again as he let himself be pulled back into the comforting darkness of sleep.

The other creatures in the mansion were being awoken to the delightful smell of a particular blonde elf cooking a large meal of eggs, bacon, and sausage, whilst The Slenderman made french toast. One by one the other  occupants of the mansion were coming down to the first floor to get a plate of the delectable cuisine. All except Jeff, who of course was still sleeping.

But finally Jeff woke in a groggy haze. Groaning, he wiped a hand down his pale face. It took him a minute to realize that he was awake and sitting in his bedroom. Reluctantly he climbed out of bed and stretched, stifling a long yawn. He took a few steps towards his dresser on the other side of his bedroom and changed into a pair of jeans and pulled his stained white hoodie on over the black tee-shirt he was already wearing. Jeff lazily grasped the doorknob and opened the door, stepping out into the melancholy hallway. He aimlessly steered himself through the many hallways and staircases, until he finally reached the dinning room. Everyone was off doing their daily routine, and the only one still sitting at the table eating, was of course Toby. That boy could eat for five. Jeff took no interest to speaking to the talkative brunette, but instead noticed a lone plate full of food sitting where Jeff usually sat at the table. Curious, Jeff walked over to the plate and asked, "who's food is this?", pointing down at the food. He looked to Slender, who was calmly doing dishes.

"It is yours, Jeff." Slender responded, returning back to the soapy water filled with filthy dishes and grime. Jeff sat down, looking confused on how it was his. He opened his mouth to speak, but the faceless being beat him to it.

"Ben saved it for you." He informed the man.

        Ben? Ben saved it for him? But why? He didn't have a clue. Not questioning any further, he began to eat what was on the plate. Quickly he had wolfed down the food and stood from his seat, placing his dished in the sink for Slender to wash. He walked in to the living room were Sally sat in front of the television, and Eyeless Jack, Ben and Masky sat on the couch.

"Thanks." He muttered to Ben as he went to sit on the couch next to Jack. Ben didn't look up from his DS at all, just sat playing his game in silence. Jeff sat next to Jack, neither saying a word. And one by one most of the five left to do something elsewhere, but only two remained; Jeff and Ben. The atmosphere quickly grew awkward and uncomfortable, neither interacting with the other.

Ben quickly caught on with the unpleasant silence. He shifted in his spot slightly, and didn't dare to look anywhere but the small screen of his portable gaming device. He felt eyes burn into his pale, ghostly skin and glanced over to Jeff, who was staring. The older man quickly looked away, a pink hue dusting across his cheeks. Ben raised an eyebrow at this. Was he okay?

Jeff quickly looked away, but caught himself in the middle of his thoughts. What the ever loving hell, He thought, Why did I just think Ben was... Cute? With his foreign and unusual thoughts, came a strange feeling washed over him. To try to escape his confusion and ignorance, he quickly left the living room to take the 30 second walk into the kitchen. Sighing, Jeff shook his head and opened the fridge, fishing a bottle of beer from the nipping cold inside the large container. Disinclined, he walked back into the living room, where he saw Ben finally off of his DS. But oddly, Jeff just stood staring at him. Ben looked over to meet Jeff's eyes, and almost instantly regretted it.

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