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"A ghost! I saw a ghost I swear to you!"

"Don't be silly, there are no such things as ghosts."

"Then how do you explain its orange eyes? The constant feeling as if something is breathing down your neck! The urge to run and run! And never look back! To get as far away as possible!"

That would be whispered in the dark of night. Around the bend, hiding in the shadows. A topic that comes up for people to gossip about. It is whispered to children as a bedtime story, to warn the children of the ghost to stay behaved so it won't come and take them away. Even in broad daylight it is talked among the kids, teenagers laughing at the ridiculous idea that a ghost was even an idea people fret over about.

Namimori was a quiet town. It was just your average city, small enough where everyone knew everyone, and quiet where no one really caused too much trouble. There wasn't anything that made it stand out like Tokyo. But if a newcomer came, they would see that Namimori was strange. If one asked the right question or asked the right people, or even if it's just a passing conversation you weren't meant to hear, the wisps of name of their local ghost would be given to you.

No actually knows if this ghost exists. No one actually remembers how it came to be.

But, it's been around long enough for people to start spreading rumors, legends about this ghost residing in quiet and peaceful Namimori.

People don't encounter the ghost, or 'feel' like its lurking nearby in any specific place. It's not like those movies where a ghost or a supernatural is haunting one house. All around Namimori, whether it's in the alleyways, the intersection, or the middle of the forest, sometimes even in your own living room, people would feel the presence of the ghost.

How people know it's specifically a ghost? Well everyone describes the same feelings, the ones that match those that sometimes catch a small glimpse of the ghost, before disappearing. Those sudden instincts that make you want to flee.

It's never been any thing serious so no one has ever been that worried.

Although some brave souls have tried hunting for the ghost, all decked out in gear for 'ghost hunting.' Whether alone, or as a pack, they ventured off, going to cites people have had 'encounters', purposely sought those said people, listening to their stories, trying to piece the clues together.

But, no one ever seemed to solve the mystery.

All searches would drop after a year, people would grow frustrated, abandoning the quest to seek answers.

Although almost everything about the ghost was just false theories, one thing was true.

There was a presence.

Call it a ghost if you must but there was someone. And he was without a doubt lonely. He did reside in Namimori, yes, only Namimori. And he was there when people felt his aura.

But he meant no ill intent, no harm to the citizens of his beloved town.

Only gazed upon its people with sorrow filled eyes.

He only wanted friend.

And one day...

Something changed.


Please stand by, as I am rewriting the entire thing with new characters, better characters, and a legit plot line that will go somewhere.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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