Slap Me - Laxus x Reader One -Shot

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He was always so quick with his temper, you being the exception. He seemed to keep his cool, but then again you never really went out of your to cause any trouble. Honestly, you have thought about it, about him lashing out on you. His anger taking a hold of his body and electiricty making his blonde locks stand on end. Laxus's eyes fiery and dialated with white hot passion staring down at you and his nostrils flared blowing warm breath upon your face, it was enough to make you swoon. You were surprised by how often these thoughts consumed your mind, and how vivid they would get. 

Your thoughts soon cleared and you faced reality. On the first floor of the Fairy Tail guild, you sat with Cana at the bar. Mira placed a cold drink in front of you, smiling brightly in return. You nodded a thanks, not really in a social mood. Cana on the other hand seemed unusally perturbed by your company. 

"Shoudn't you be upstairs with your boyfriend?" She cocked an eyebrow, while holding her mug to her lips. A small hint of a smirk could be seen from the corner where the mug connected. Taking a sip, well more of a gulp of the alcohol. The cold liquor burning down your throat. Slamming the glass down you stood from the stool. Cana opened her mouth to call out to you, but someone beat her to it. 

"Y/N!" You looked up to the balcony of the second floor, Laxus stood with his arms crossed over his chest. His tone arrogant, like he owned you and wanted to let everyone know. Your face showed distaste, nose schrunched and upturned at him. But inside you were dancing, your heart beating happily and you wanted nothing more to run up those stairs. 

"Y/n! Get your ass up here." He called, not liking to be kept waiting. His smug face held a satisfying grin. You walked causually up the stairs, the guild mates sneaking glances to you and Laxus. No one really understood you and his relationship and you were confused as well. Who would be in a relationship where the man was a complete ass and sweet to you, but you secretly wished he wasn't? The sick kind you concluded. You needed help, you needed to be taught a lesson! A smile spreading on your lips, you mind coming back to impure thoughts. 

Reaching Laxus, he noticed your filthy smile. He chuckled, staring into your eyes. 

"What's up babe?" Laxus question? His arm coming around your shoulders, making you feel secure. His coat always brining you warmth, but sadly your body was overheating with sexual energy. 

"I should be asking you that." You glanced up to your boyfriend, a smile always playing at his lips. 

"Is it a crime to spend time with your girlfriend." He joked, his body leading you to the small outcove. You mulled over his words, a little voice telling me to push him. If you just push him a bit maybe you can get what you so longed for. 

"Yes." It spewed from your mouth faster than you wanted. Laxus's was taken back, not understanding the serious tone in which you spoke. 

"Yes. I think it's a crime." You explained, mentally sighing at your sad attempt to infuriate him. Laxus chuckled, but his eyes still held back. 

"What is with you?" He asked, his hand petting your hair. His face slowly losing it's playfulness at your slience. 

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to make you angry..." You covered your face in shame. Laxus's hand came under your chin luring it up to face him. 

"Babe, why would you want to do that?" His eyes seemed a tad hurt, his body language show all signs od vulnerabilty. You never saw Laxus act this way before, it made you feel guilty. 

"I-uh... I wanted you to uh beroughwithme." You mumbled the last part, wishing he wasn't holding your face so close to his. He screwed up his brows, perplexed by the jumble of the words that ended your sentence. Your cheeks flushed and eyes faced away from his. Your heartbeated rapily, wanting him to say anything to cut tension. You felt like you were dangling on a rope that Laxus was holding in his strong hands, any moment he could drop the theoretical rope and you would be hurling towards the pool of self loathing and embaressment. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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