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It was a bad decision to go out, an even bigger mistake thinking that they would be fine for one day on there own. 

The day had started out beautiful and sunny but the skies quickly darkened.The rain lased down with such ferocity that trees were striped of their leaves. The muddy water from the river was waist high and gushing past quickly.

A woman stood in the middle of all of this, a baby clutched tightly to her chest, struggling to stand up.

Not to far away a man fell under the water. She had to make a choice, save the baby or save the man.

Finally, she grabbed a basket rushing by and placed the baby in it, before letting the basket go she placed something around the baby's neck, before turning to safe the man. When she looked up the basket was gone.

After much effort, she and the man collapsed on the wagon they brought with them. The man looked up and asked her something that was losed to the wind. 

She must have understood thought because the woman shook her head and silently she started to cry.

Their child was gone.

*. *. *

Agatha was very old. Her bones creaked as she walked and her skin sagged under the amount of wrinkles she had.

The locals mostly stayed out of her way. There was a rumor that she was a witch. No one ever believed it though.But it was the kind of rumor that kids told to each other to scare one another. The kind that mothers used to warn their children about talking to strangers. Agatha new about this rumor but she neither confirmed nor denied it.

She new everything about every one. So when the child washed up on her doorstep she did not question it for a moment. She knew exactly who this child was and the destiny she must fulfil.But this child was not meant for that  destiny, not yet. 

So she picked up the child and walked into the cave that she called home. Already thinking up an excuse as to where the child came from.

A Storm in the AirWhere stories live. Discover now