The start of a new life

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Hi girls and boys today I start of with a fresh new start and try and give you all a good story. The characters in this who are going to be in this story are going to be:


2. Nightmare (trust me its not who you think it is)

3. Alexander /Alex/

4. Jess

Now that thats done lets start the story pleace enjoy.

What is darkness without light... what is evil without good... Theres no you or me in this world theres only thous who play the game of life and death. This is my story... the story of how i lost everything, my name is Ikaru and Im am a half-bread... What half's am I made at? well im half demon and ángel. Your probably telling your selfs "how those that work?" well easy, my mom was an angel and my father was a demon. There was a day were I was to asking my self that same question, it was at my friends house were i found out about what i was. Her name was jessy but I use to called her jess, she was at the same time my best friend. Her heir was a littel golden, she's 5'4 or a littel more, her eyes were a light green with a hint of blue in them, sweet and funny, she was perfect... till that day... It was about 8:24 pm when I was coming back from work. I was very sleepy and I was in a hurry to get back home to her. As I was getting back to my home I saw police all over around my house. I got worried and stoped the car and ran to the house. Two of the police stoped me befor i could even enter the door -sir get back- sead the police as he grabed my arm. All I saw was blood covering the right wall... I... I was about to freak out... -LET ME IN THIS IS MY HOUSE!- I screamed at the police officer as i try to force my way in. Then... two doctors come out of of my house with a body bag... I thout I was in a dream... a horrible nightmare... but no. The police officer let go of my arm as I ran to the body bag. I asked the doctor who was inther scared of his answer i sead -Im sorry sir... we were to late..- they rolled the body bag in the abulance and toke it awey. I.. was... broken... there was nothing left for me... she was everything I ever loved... and i lost her. I.. I have to go I need time to calm down.

Hope everyone enjoyed part one of this story. I'll make the second part in a nother time. Have a good day and I'll see you guys in the next story i love you all.

A story by: GB/ Ikaru

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2018 ⏰

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