A new start

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"Galaxy Garrison flight log 5-11-14 begin descend to kerberos for rescue mission

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"Galaxy Garrison flight log 5-11-14 begin descend to kerberos for rescue mission."Lance said confident "ugh.. Lance, can you keep this thing straight?" Hunk asked looking like he was going to puke.
'Poor hunk' you thought

" relax, hunk," Lance said "I'm just getting a feel for the stick. I mean its not like I did this!" Lance said as he yanked the joy sticks to the side making you jolt slightly. "Or this!" Lance did the same thing again.

"Okay, unless you want to wipe beef stroganoff out of all the little nooks and crannies in this thing,you better knock it off, man!"
You hear beeping and look at the screen in front of you, "We've picked up a distress beacon!"

"Alright, look alive, team! Pidge, track coordinates." Lance said taking charge. "Copy" replied Pidge.

Hunk grabs his seats arms and leaned back with pain on his face "Knock it off, Lance, Please"

You look back at hunk and give him a sympathetic look. "Oh this one's on you, buddy. We've got a hydraulic stabilizer out." Lance said, you elbow him as hard as you could and he let out a slight 'ow!'.

Hunk refocused for a few seconds but then felt sick " Oh, no" hunk said sickly. "Oh, no. Fix now puke later." Lance looked forward with a little annoyance on his face.

"I lost contact. The shaking is interfering with our sensors" Pidge said slightly calm.

"Come on, Hunk!" Lance said. "Its not responding." Hunk gets up and and goes to main gear box opening it leaning forward. You try to get up to help him but fall down due to impact.

"[Y/N] are you okay?" Pidge asks you as you get up and go over to hunk."I'm fine" you told Pidge, 'you idiot why did you remove your harness, why!?' You thought.

"Never mind, fellas. Thar she blows. Preparing for approach on visual" lance said. "Hunk, you okay?" You asked concerned for his health. He nodded and you went back to your seat and buckled your harness.
"I don't think that's advisable, with our current mechanical and gastrointestinal issues" pidge said that last part looking at hunk and turning away as hunk was about to gag.

"Agreed." Hunk said.
"Stop worrying. This baby can take it, can't you, champ?" Lance started patting the dash board of the ship like he was petting a dog. The ship made a weird sound and jolted causing you to bounce.

"Uh.. See? She was nodding. She was nodding." Lance had uncertainty in his voice. You looked at him and deadpanned at what he said. He was slightly cute but he got on your nerves sometimes.

"Pidge hail down to them and let them know that were here, please?" You ask but demanded.
Pidge removed his safety harness and stood up grabing the communicator "Attention, lunar vessel--!" Pidge falls off his seat and on the ground. You help him up. " What are you doing? Buckle your belt. And, Hunk, stop that shaking!"Lance said more firm this time.
"I'm try-- Oh, no." Hunk leans over and pukes in the gear box, great. You let out a small sigh.

"Attention, lunar vessel this is Galaxy Garrison Rescue Craft one victor six three tango. Coming in for landing and extraction, against crew recommendations." Pidge said sarcastically. "No time for your mutinous comments now pidge. There going under and were going in." Lance said pushing the joy sticks forward.

"Look out for that over hang!" You yelled to lance.
"No worries. My first year in flight school, you know what they called me? They called me the tailor because of how I thread the needle." Everyone started to scream and you kinda grabbed on to lances arm causing a faint blush to appear on his face

"Come around, come around! Come on, come on!" Lance yelled, you still holding on to him for dear life closing your eyes.
"We lost a wing!" Hunk yelled.

"Oh, man." Lance said doubt in his voice. You crashed and jolted forward bringing lance with you. The lights went out and everything was dark.
*simulation failed*

"Nice work, tailor." Pidge said unamused.

*A/N- Hey guys this is my fist ever story and I hoped you enjoyed it! I know I'm not as good at writing as others but I try and I'll be updating on Saturdays and hopefully you guys like this anyway I hope you have a good day/night! I'm aware pidge is a girl but i kinda want the reader to still think shes a boy like everyone else in the first episode did (please dont hate me for this, also ideas would be welcome) Anyway bye!!😊

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