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"Three pumps of caramel, eight shots of espresso, doubled blended, whip cream on top, and oh easy ice"

Blinking furiously my hand scrambled across the tiny cup writing down the customers oddly specific order. I was warned of crazy demands when I first applied for the job at Steve's, however, I never imagined it would be this extreme. Almost everyday a new drink was created thanks to our endless filling combinations.

"Would that complete your order miss?" I responded. The girl behind the counter nodded as we finished the exchange.

I let out a sigh of relief watching her walk away. I feared I might have forgotten a shot of espresso and prayed she wouldn't come stomping back.

"Next customer!" I said motioning the gentleman to step up. "Good morning, how can I help you today sir?" I asked once he reached the register.

"Small coffee, black"

I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Finally, an order that wouldn't require an arm and a leg to complete. The man chuckled amused by my reaction.

"I overheard the previous order" he spoke running his fingers through his rich brown hair "must be something to deal with customers like that".

I smiled ringing up his total "The first time I fulfilled an unusual order I completely messed up the drink. I was horrified when the guest publicly shamed me".

"That's awful" the man said frowning. I glanced at his soft brown eyes and quickly looked away feeling my face heat up. I turned my back towards him grabbing a small cup off the head board. The cafe was empty besides an elderly couple sitting in the far back.

"You get use to it" I spoke feeling confident to continue the conversation "not all customers are bad, you sure made my day listening to my complaints"

Topping the coffee cup off with a lid I turned back around to face the man. My heart nearly skipped a beat seeing a warm smile spread across his face.

"It was a pleasure... (y/n)" he said his eyes wandering to my name tag. "Keanu by the way"

"It was nice talking to you Keanu"

He took a step back only to stop in his tracks. "I don't usual do this... would you care to grab a drink sometime? I promise it doesn't have to be coffee"

A small giggle escaped my lips as I felt my stomach nervously flip upside down.

"I would love that Keanu"

He nodded clearly pleased with my answer "well (y/n) until then". After exchanging our numbers I watched the handsome stranger leave the cafe walking out onto the street.

A warm feeling flooded my chest as I continued serving other customers. It's amazing how fast good things happen when you meet a caring stranger.

Keanu Reeves ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz