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You can be a demigod (Egyptian, Greek, Roman, or Norse), an Oracle or Oracle-in-training, or just someone who's studied mythology for a long time.  It is a requirement, however, to know/have studied at least one of these four mythologies.  (I mean, Roman myths are just Greek myths with different names, so I guess at least one out of three???)

If you're an Oracle, here's some rules you have to follow.
    -no dating anyone
    -leave your mind open to [insert god here] (Greek- Apollo Roman-Apollo Egyptian-any god Norse-any god)
And for the actual player;
-all Oracles are female. Sorry, that's just how it is.
    -don't just spout prophecies every five seconds.  That's rude.
    -a prophecy is rarely clear.
    -sometimes, an Oracle doesn't even have a prophecy.  They might say "you cooked ham this morning, didn't you?  lmao" or maybe even "your mom's gonna call you in a minute." They just sort of know little things, okay?

Norse Gods
Odin - the Allfather.  He's the god of war, death, poetry, and wisdom.
Badler - the god of light, joy, purity, beauty, innocence, and reconciliation.  Basically all good things.  But he's dead, so.
Frigg - the wife of Odin.  The patron of marriage and motherhood, the goddess of love and fertility.
Thor - the god of thunder.  He actually has red hair, so thanks for the blonde representation Marvel.
Loki - the trickster.  He has the ability to shapeshift (along with Odin).
Freya - the goddess of love and fertility, she's the most beautiful goddess there is.
Sif - the wife of Thor.  Apparently she's a fertility goddess, but other than that nothing's really known about her.
Bragi - the god of eloquence and poetry.
Idun - the goddess of youth, married to Bargi.  She's pretty loyal to him, so she doesn't have any mortal kids.
Forseti - the god of justice.
Heimdall - the god of light.  He protects Asgard and holds the horn Gjallar, which he will only blow at Ragnarok.

Greek/Roman Gods
Zeus/Jupiter - the king of the gods.  He's the god of the skies.
Hera/Juno - the queen of the gods.  She's the goddess of marriage, and doesn't have kids.
Poseidon/Neptune - the god of the seas.
Aphrodite/Venus - the goddess of love and beauty.
Hades/Pluto - the god of the Underworld and riches.
Hephaestus/Vulcan - the god of fire and blacksmithing.
Demeter/Ceres - goddess of the harvest.
Apollo/Apollo - god of music, medicine, the sun and prophecies.
Athena/Minerva - goddess of battles and wisdom.
Artemis/Diana - goddess of the moon and the hunt.  Doesn't have kids.
Ares/Mars - the god of war.
Hermes/Mercury - the god of travelers, bandits, and messengers.
Dionysus/Bacchus - the god of wine.
Peitha/Suadela - the goddess of persuasion.
Pheme/Fama - the goddess of fame and gossip.
Thanatos/Mors - the god of death.
Eros/Cupid - the god of love.
Iris/Arcus - the goddess of rainbows.
Mania/Manea - the goddess of insanity and the dead.
Asclepius/Vejovis - the god of health and medicine.
Até/Nefas - the goddess of mischief.
Bia/Vis - the goddess of force.
Nemesis/Rhamnousia - the goddess of retribution and vengeance.
Zelos/Indivia - the god of jealousy.
Kratos/Potestas - the god of power.
Nike/Victoria - the goddess of victory.
Eris/Discordia - the goddess of strife.
Cybele/Cybele - the goddess of caverns, mountains, nature, and wild animals.
Eileithyia/Lucina - the goddess of childbirth.
Hypnos/Somnus - the god of sleep.
Hestia/Vesta - the goddess of the hearth, home, and chastity. No kids.
Alastor/Alastor - the god of family feuds.
Hebe/Juventas - the goddess of youth.
Hecate/Trivia - the goddess of witchcraft, magic, ghosts, and the undead.
Hemera/Dies - the goddess of daylight.
Aether/Zenith - the god of light.
Eos/Aurora - the goddess of dawn.
Harmonia/Concordia - the goddess of harmony.
Boreas/Aquilon - god of the north wind, bringer of winter.
Notus/Auster - god of the south wind.
Euros/Vulturnus - god of the east wind
Zephyros/Favonius - god of the west wind

Egyptian Gods
Anhur - a sky god, the god of war
Anubis - the god of the dead, funerals, and mourning ceremonies.
Anuket - the goddess of the River Nile
Apophis - the god of snakes, war, and chaos.  I'm gonna say that he won't have kids.
Babi - the god of baboons (???).
Bastet - the cat goddess.
Bes - the dwarf god (again, ????).
Geb - god of the earth (again, I'm gonna say that he won't have kids).
Happi - god of the Nile.
Hathor - goddess of love.
Heket - goddess of frogs (what even is Egyptian mythology).
Horus - god of war, the sky, and falcons.
Isis - goddess of magic, marriage, healing, and protection (since she's the goddess of marriage, I'm saying no kids).
Kebechet - goddess of purification.
Khepri - god of scarab beetles, the sun, rebirth, and creation.  Ra's aspect in the morning.
Khnum - god of the Nile river.  Ra's aspect in the evening.
Khonsu - god of the moon.
Maahes - god of war.
Ma'at - goddess of justice, truth, and order.
Mafdet - god of justice.  He's... he's an executioner.
Nekhbet - goddess of vultures.
Osiris - god of the underworld and the afterlife.
Pakhet - the goddess of motherhood and war.
Qetesh - goddess of nature, beauty, ecstasy, and sexual pleasure (I'm so done omg).
Sekhmet - goddess of lions, fire, and vengeance.
Serqet - god of scorpions, magic, medicine, and healing venomous wounds.
Seshat - goddess of writing and measurement.
Set - god of chaos, change, deserts, storms, and foreigners.
Shu - god of wind, air, and light.
Sobek - god of crocodilies
Tawaret - goddess of childbirth and fertility.
Tefnut - goddess of water and fertility.
Thoth - god of knowledge, wisdom, the alphabet, thought, intelligence, logic, reasoning, hieroglyphics, magic, secrets, and writing. (Thoth?  Don't you mean Thot?! *dabs* ...I'm so goddamn tired.)
Wadjet - goddess of protection.

The School For The Mythologically Gifted [roleplay]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя