Info about you

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You're like Zer0 from Borderlands but with some extra stuff, so you can phase through walls and can teleport around with superhuman speed and strength, you're also a master martial artist as well as a master of stealth and a weapon specialist, you have 2 black katanas that can slice through anything, you have a gun that can turn from a sniper rifle to an assault rifle, like Widowmaker's gun, you also carry two combat knives as well, and two pistols as sidearms, you're one of the youngest members of Overwatch, 18 years old, you dropped out of high school to become the terrifying vigilante you're known as today, and to protect your little sister, although you're the most dangerous Overwatch agent you're also a very geeky, shy, and awkward skinny kid that likes video games and comic books, on your free time you're playing voice games in your room, or reading comic books, you do have friends though, you're close to all of your fellow Overwatch agents and you love to spend time with them

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