Part one

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I had a huge secret I had a crush on....... Kauai Liang. No one else knew besides me and my diary why have a diary that I really don't know.

We were training and I was too busy looking directly in his eyes when he sweep me off my feet and ........I fell ......and hit my head ......pretty hard. When I got up I just walked away I didn't have anything to say and I didn't feel like training anymore so I just walked away. I went to my room and shut the door he came in there and asked if I was okay and we just talked.

Sub Zero POV

I went to check on her because I knew I hurt her pretty bad. She started to confess her feelings and I did something so stupid... I KISSED her. We shared passionate kiss and I started taking her clothes off. She had the most perfect body. I nibbled on her clit until she spilled in my mouth. After that she did the most perfect oral I have ever felt well technically cuz I've never had one.


After Kuai ate me out I gave him oral. Then he did the most painful thing and pushed his member inside of my Womanhood. It hurt for a while and then it felt like the best thing ever. I've known his name for what felt like forever and then I spilled on his seven inch member on him and he didn't stop. I spilled around five times. until he spilled inside me. After that we went to sleep.

Sub Zero : did you have to tell how long my member was.
Me : Yup
Sub: Well you are tight 8f you know what I'm saying

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2018 ⏰

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