do i wanna know? 1

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Hi, my names Anna. I don't like to waste time on introductions, but when my mother made me move schools, I'm kind of forced to.

I said to the large audience in front of me, blinking their wide eyes as they looked at me curiously.

I live across the street, and I like to paint. There isn't much to me apart from that. I have a big mouth and I get into trouble easily. I don't have a desire to live long. There's simply no point. No real reason to why we're here. None. Zero.

That was until I saw a face across the room I was talking in. A familiar one. Long brown hair, fairly curly, and a semi tall stature, I'd call it normal. I'd say it looked like a one I've seen before. But alas, it hasn't. Just like when you've bumped into who you think is an old friend at the shops, but in reality, it's just a random person trying to buy their goddamn groceries without being harassed verbally by a teenager who thinks they look like a friend of them.

The bell rings, and I'm pushed out of class by 40 fellow students, and as I make my way being pushed out the door, I look back, and see a tired familiar face of the person I just looked at.

I queue up in the lunch tray, only to see the back of the thick, curly hair of the unfamiliar person. It was greasy, as it usually tends to be, because no one can see the back of your head apart from the people around you. Just like your personality, you can only guess what your personality is like from your thoughts, you don't know what others think.

They should probably wash their hair today.

And tomorrow.

The petty thought ran through my head. What's their name? I thought. I think I'd rather not know, and stay admiring from afar.

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