Faraway Castle (a disney selection)

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Name: Ivy Nerissa Shell

Daughter of: Ursula
Age: 19

Hair color: Mostly platinum blonde, has a few grey streaks like her mother's hair. Her hair is held in natural, loose curls.

Eye color: Pale lilac, matching her mother's skin tone. Tiny Amber flecks are dotted around the irises, but they are too tiny to see unless very close to her.

Powers: She has the ability, much like her mother does, to transform her looks and disguise herself as someone else. When this happens, she will take on the person she is disguising herself to look like's hair color, though it will be a shade brighter and shinier. Her eyes will turn a bright leafy green, and emerald rings will encircle the pupil and he iris. However, this is her limitation, they will only ever then this color if she is disguising herself, so she knows it's better to transform as someone else who also has green eyes.

The Welcoming Ball

*********The Welcoming Ball

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