The Final Riddle-Voldemorts Daughter (one shot)

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The Final Riddle

'Crucio!' Her voice echoed around the vast ballroom in which she stood standing over her fathers latest victim. Her silver eyes narrowed and she smirked as the muggle born girl wreathed in pain, unable to scream under a silencing charm. Her sad green eyes glassy as she choked on her rasped breath. Callida lowered her wand an released the silencing charm. A pathetic whimper escaped the mud bloods lips as she lay panting on the floor. She silently walked over to where the victim lay. The girl was the same age as Callida, she went to Hogwarts. She sneered at the girl before kicking her in the side with her heeled boots. The girl inhaled sharply and clutched her broken rib tears falling down her pale face, Callida grabbed her light brown hair yanking her up smirking as she cried.  

'what's your name mudblood?' she asked, a sickly sweet tone to her voice. 

The girls lip was bleeding, the dark red liquid oozed down her cracked lips, into her mouth. 

She shook her head, tears and blood staining her pretty face. Her eyes squeezed shut, not daring to look at her attacker. So she wasn't expecting the powerful slap across the cheek. She let go of her hair and Her knees buckled, she clutched the side of her face as she fell to the ground once more. 

'I said, what's your name mudblood' Callida commanded slamming her foot on the girls fingers, hearing a crack as they broke under her heavy boot. 

'h-Hannah ' she whimpered lying on the cold stone floor in a puddle of her own blood. 

'what's this Hannah ?' Callida questioned reaching down pulling at a silver chain around her neck. 

'no.. no!' the girl almost shouted her free hand clasping around the locket. 

With a tug Callida ripped the necklace from around her neck creating fresh tears to form in hannahs eyes. 

Callida tutted as Hannah lifted her arm towards her, trying to reach for the necklace  

'please...not the locket..' she breathed ' it's all I have left of..them'  

Ignoring the mudblood she laughed opened the locket to reveal two pictures . One of a middle aged smiling woman who could only be Hannahs mother and the other of her father. 

'where are your parents now Hannah?' she mocked 'why are they not here to protect their precious little daughter.?' 

Sadness flickered through the girls eyes 

'd-dead' was all she said 

Callida laughed again 

'who killed them Hannah? ' she cooed, talking in a low whisper. 

She raised a bloodied finger and pointed to the person behind me 

'h-him, your father.' she croaked ' he killed my parents' Her voice dripping with hatred 

'then it only seems right I should be the one kill you too' came a third voice from behind me. Hannah shook her head more tears streaming down her face, pleading stupidly. I laughed as my father raised his wand and a flash of green lighted ended the girls life. Her body fell lifeless and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. 

'well done duaghter' Lord voldemort placed a pale hand on my shoulder. 

'you are ready'

The Final Riddle-Voldemorts Daughter (one shot)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora