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Booze and Berries

party at the Reeds' residence

be there or be square!

No invite-no entry

Ava crumpled up the piece of glittered blue paper and threw it on the floor. She sighed and cursed the ceiling for being so plain to look at.

'you ARE going, right?' Julia, who was on the other end of the video call tapped on the camera and squinted her eyes, trying to see what her bestfriend is doing.

'are you kidding me? When I was given this invitation, they were looking at me like I was an alien! They're giving everyone the invitation, but obviously, not everyone is actually invited. It was more of a formality or something' Ava turned on her side to face the laptop on her bed 'the smile was so fake that you KNOW they were just giving you the paper to show that they're inviting everyone, but not really inviting them. Including me. Besides, those girls doesn't seem to like me'

'Oh for god's sake Ava, an invite is an invite! Just because you're new, doesn't mean you can't rock the parties over there! Get glammed up and show 'em how you party, girl!' Julia urged on, sounding very excited for her friend.

'You know very well what an invite is, Jules. If I go there, I would be out-casted and I would be considered a gatecra-' Suddenly, a very entertaining idea entered Ava's mind and she looked at her bestfriend on her laptop's screen with a very big, very familiar grin.

'what are you thinking Ava Applegate?' Julia asked, knowing very well that her red headed best friend just had her light bulb flash on.

'you know what, you're right... an invite's an invite,' she winked 'and we have four days to prepare, get your phone out'

Ava Applegate is the daughter of the famous Dr. Henry Applegate. He was the lead surgeon of the team who successfully developed less painful chemo therapy. Four months after the first successful procedure, he moved to California with his family, and now Ava, his only daughter, is starting her Junior year in a local private school where everyone knew everyone since they were fetuses.

Ava has always been very outgoing, especially with her best friend Julia and their clique back in New York, but the setting in California is very new to her and she's a little intimidated. But as the saying goes: What Ava Applegate wants, Ava Applegate gets. (Julia's saying) and no Queen Bee could stop her from becoming Queen A.

Night of the party

'so let me get this straight; the hosts of the party are twins?' Julia asked, Ava nodded

'Sophia and Joshua Reed, both blonde and blue eyed. Sophia would probably be the one with a tiara on her big head, heads up for her.' Ava pursed her lips as she finished applying her lip gloss and gave herself a once over before facing her friends.

'Joshua is kinda cute though, he's a sports person' she winked

Julia, Bethanny, Monique and Jenny flew over from New York for the weekend and they were all dressed to impress.

Ava had a brilliant idea of attending the party anyway and showing the nasty crowd (aka her schoolmates) who the new girl is. So she and her friends arranged for a charter plane to take them to California where they arranged an impromptu appointment at the spa and exclusive booking at The Skyscraper, the hottest club in town. It's at the rooftop of Four Seasons hotel, and only the best of the best can get in.

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