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_ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ January 24th, 2018. The den, 11:42 pm__ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _

I hear twigs crunching as the sound of Markus returning from hunting, he was almost as tall as me in his changed form. He had jet black fur and green eyes. I said, "Did you catch anything?" He answered, "A few rabbits, dinner for the night." I smiled wryly and implied, "You know, staying out here isn't that bad. Being in our forms for extended periods of time is actually enjoyable and has its benefits." Markus said, "I agree, we do have to go back eventually though. We can't stay like this forever, we're almost to Kalore where we'll find Andrew's old pack." I replied, "Well at least I was able to bring you along so you could develop your new abilities, and now you can control the shift." He responded, "Well, I've discovered 3 so far. Hopefully that won't be all." I said, "Well 4 is normal, the abnormal amount is 6, I have 7 so I would be considered exotic. So you have a couple more abilities to find before you'll stop." He smiled and asked, "Well we need to get moving, we traveled the most at night because we won't be spotted, right?" I nodded and answered, "That is correct, we aren't spotted easily since we both have black fur." I stomped out the fire in the middle of the area we were in and said, "This place has served us well for the short time we have been here, but now we must leave and continue on our journey." Markus joined my side and replied, "Hopefully we will see this place on the journey back through." I dropped down to all fours and started at a blissful trot through the thick forest, Markus caught up to me and asked, "How much further do we need to go? I replied, "Well we are in Jamesville now, and Kalore is 53 miles northwest of here. So at full speed we will make it in about an hour, then we would need to find Andrew's alpha." He said, "It's crazy how much we can travel in just a few weeks. 729 miles from home to Kalore." I responded, "Let's pick up the pace, we don't have all night to find Andrew's alpha." I sped up to almost a full sprint so Markus could keep up with me. We ran in mostly silence, without much to say. We were ready to finally reach out destination and get answers.

__ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __Kalore, 1:11 am__ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __

I saw a road sign pass by that read "Welcome to Kalore County, population: 112,345". I started to slow down and finally came to a stop, I saw a gas station down the road from where we were on the tree line. I said, "We are here at last, Andrew said he told his alpha we are coming so they are expecting us." Markus replied, "It is a lot colder than I expected, I didn't really feel it before because of the running." I said, "Pulse your electricity at a low level, it will help keep you warm." I saw a few sparks arch over his body and eventually they became nonvisible as he toned his electricity down. I responded, "Excellent Markus, you're gaining control over your abilities." He implied, "Guess it's because you learned fast too." I smiled and replied, "I guess so, let's get moving and find Andrew's alpha. From what Andrew had said his name is Oryx, he is roughly 30, has dark hair, and he has caramel skin. Andrew said we would find him 3 miles north of the local Wal-Mart and he said to look for a lake. Easy enough?" Markus nodded and asked, "Where is the Wal-Mart from here?" I looked at my phone and pulled up a map, it said that it was a mile and a half away from us. We could just follow the road here and it would take us to it. I said, "We follow this road and it will take us right to it." Markus implied, "It is already quite a beautiful place to be. It has that old-new town vibe, really low key." I responded, "You're right, it would be a good little place to get away from the world. You know other than the fact that the people that took my father and possibly my little brother are dwelling here." He answered, "Yeah that would be the only downside, but now that we have been here you can teleport to it at any time." I nodded and said, "We need to get moving. I'll try and see if Oryx is listening." I raised my head and howled, waiting for a response I dropped down to all fours and started running along the tree line. After a few minutes, I heard a distant howl, it was carrying with a strangely familiar aura power. It was him! I started running faster and Markus said, "Don't worry about me, I'll catch up with you." I smiled and sped up to full speed, watching the dense forestry blur by me. I finally saw the Wal-Mart and ran around to the back of it, starting into the forest. It smelled like a campfire was nearby. I felt the wind blowing throughout my entire body and I went faster. I heard another howl that was extremely close, it was intensely familiar, but I couldn't figure out where from. I slowed down to a trot. I camouflaged just for my own safety, as a precaution. I thought, "You alright Markus?" I instantly got back, "Yeah, I'm almost there." I looked around and saw a small fire in the middle of a circle of trees, I teleported into one of the trees above it and un-camouflaged. There were 3 people around the fire, I saw the alpha looking off into the distance of the forest. He said, "They should be here soon, having traveled hundreds of miles, they would be eager to arrive here." He turned around and I was shocked, his eyes were like a dance of bright amethyst and crimson red. I blend I have never seen in another person other than myself. He is like me! Maybe he knows more about what I am. I heard fast paced footsteps in front of me and Markus slowed to a stop a few feet from Oryx. Markus asked, "Where is Elijah?" Oryx turned around and answered, "I'm not sure, you're one of his?" Markus nodded, I finally dropped out of the tree behind everyone and walked into the light of the fire. Everyone looked at me, I said, "Just making sure it was safe before I did anything." He said, "Well, Welcome to Kalore, Michigan. It's a little colder than your southern atmosphere, but you'll get used to it fast. This is Rick and Ethan" he pointed at both of them. I dismissed what he had said and asked, "Why are your eyes like mine? I've never seen anyone else with the mix, I thought I was the only one." He chuckled and implied, "You and I are what would be called Omegas, the most powerful of the werewolves. We are stronger, faster, and more advanced than a normal alpha. We have a range of abilities we can use that a normal alpha couldn't; you may have already tapped into them before." I asked, "What abilities are you talking about?" He answered, "Things like a 'rage' mode where you are able to use essentially all of your abilities at once, you just pass out after you use it with all of the energy it consumes." I asked, "So Omegas, how does one become one?" He answered, "It is very rare, but you become one by 2 different things. 1. Never killing anyone, the kill initiates you into the pack as a beta. Kill for the alpha kind of thing, there is one exception though. It would be known as 'defeating' an alpha. Putting one close to death but not quite killing them. It would give you a glimpse of the alpha's power, which in turn activates the mutation of a beta's genes to become an alpha; but since the alpha wasn't quite killed, the mutation couldn't take full effect. Then the Omega gene is born, half beta, half alpha. Twice as powerful. 2. The second way a beta becomes an Omega would be a bloodline. Being born in a family with a special set of genes designated for becoming an Omega. Even if the person didn't have the werewolf gene active, he or she could be bitten and would be excelling betas until their mutation of the gene. I thought about it and I was really both ways, I was a unique beta and I had 'beaten' Andrew. It didn't matter how I became an Omega; it would happen either way. I asked, "What is the rule on killing for Omegas?" He replied, "You are able to kill once you have become an omega, you just cannot kill very often." I responded, "I don't think I could kill someone easily." Markus asked, "Why do we kill people?" I answered, "We kill those who kill us." Just then I heard a loud explosion to my left and a huge bolt of a golden substance sprang in front of me and Markus, hitting Rick. It took him off the ground and his body returned to human form, he couldn't move. He looked around frantically, Markus and I were dumbstruck at what was going on. My mouth was agape, looking over at Oryx, he closed his eyes and fabricated a blue orb around him. The beam of the gold substance slowly died out and his pack member fell to the ground. I ran over to him and he didn't have a pulse, I turned around to see another beam coming at me. I teleported beside Oryx and concentrated, teleporting everyone and Rick behind the Wal-Mart away from the danger. I said, "I'll be back." Oryx responded, "NO ELIJAH DON'T." I teleported back and shielded myself, looking around. I saw a few guys with suits and black masks, I camouflaged and jumped into the tree above me. I leapt from tree to tree until I was over them, I looked down and the guy in the middle of the group was holding some sort of small device. I assumed it was what had killed Rick, it had a small glowing ball in the center of the device. The man holding the device looked up at me, thankfully I was invisible to them. He spoke, "This thing works! We finally can start winning this battle against those beasts." The one beside him said, "Don't get too excited, they have those powers that could stop us." He replied, "IONS is creating things that can kill them, we will succeed." I heard enough, teleporting back to the rest of the group. Oryx asked, "Thank heavens you are alright, what did you do?" I answered, "They've finally done it, they finally found a way to hurt us." Markus asked, "Who?" I replied, "IONS, they have my father and now they can kill us." Oryx said, "That isn't new, he is the 3rd I have lost over the past month. We have moved spots 4 times." I was in shock, the agents have had this device for over a month and we have been gone for a few weeks. I started to get paranoid, I had to check on Derek and his pack. Now I know where we are and I've been here I can teleport here. I told Oryx I would be back in a bit, grabbing onto Markus I tried to teleport to the den, after I finally dematerialized and the teleportation commenced. I looked around and we were inside some sort of realm, bright colors were flashing all over the place, I finally realized I was moving forward and Markus was beside me. I kept my hand on him, and after a minute or two we were finally at the den. I looked down at my watch and it was 2:23am, I didn't see anyone around. I started getting more and more paranoid with them not being here. I teleported to the lab bringing Markus with me, they weren't there either. I teleported back to the den and thought to Derek, "Where are you?" I immediately got back, "The field, playing a couple games before we relax for the night." I grabbed onto Markus again and teleported to the middle of the field. I saw flashes everywhere around me, they were all using their abilities and it appeared they were playing capture the flag. I saw Derek and Andrew talking while they watched everyone play the game, I sprinted over to them and said, "The agents, they have a way to kill us." Andrew asked, "How? How is that possible?" I answered, "They have a device, it shoots a golden beam that lifts one of us off the ground, immobilizes us, changes us to human, and finally kills us. I just watched his pack member get killed by it." Derek said, "How is that even possible? They haven't ever been able to even hurt us, how have they advanced that far in such a little amount of time." I shook my head and implied, "Well they have my father and possibly my younger brother and I need to get them out. I think my father is like us because remember I heard him telepathically, so he can't be entirely human." Andrew replied, "You should get back to Oryx and check to see if he is alright, thanks for the heads up on the new weapon. We will be more careful." I responded, "You're right, I will be back if I have any more updates." Derek said, "Good luck. Be safe." I nodded at Markus who was talking to everyone else after they had finished their game. He said his goodbyes and ran over to me. I teleported us back to the Walmart and Oryx was hidden behind the dumpsters, I walked over and he was on the ground in tears. Rick was laying on the ground beside him. I asked, "What's wrong Oryx?" He looked up and answered, "He didn't deserve to die, he was young and had a lot of potential." I said, "I'm sorry Oryx, but we can't be out in the open like this. Is there anywhere we can stay?" Oryx said, "You can stay at my place until you have to leave. It's a few miles north of here." I nodded and replied, "Take us. We don't need to be out here unless it is safe." He responded, "You're right, it isn't safe with them out here tonight." He picked up his pack members body and told the other he would order pizza for tonight. We all started walking towards the street and I camouflaged everyone and myself. I said, "Oryx, everyone is camouflaged. We don't have to be as careful, but we are completely invisible to everything." Oryx replied, "Excellent, we won't have to take the shortcut through the woods tonight." He went right and started down the street in front of the Wal-Mart. We walked down the street for another 5 or 6 minutes and Oryx finally said, "We are here, I'll have to disable the fence around it. He put down Rick and backed up, he sprinted forward and leaped over the fence. I saw him head up towards a big log cabin and he flipped a switch on the wall, then walked around to flip another. I thought, smart. A double system, it would be harder to disable from the outside since the fence is tall and no one human could jump over it. He waved us on, I picked up Rick and threw him over my shoulder. Walking through the gate in front of me, everyone followed. Ethan hasn't spoken and I assumed it was because of what had happened. I walked into the front door of the large cabin, setting the deceased member on the couch in a sitting position. His body was still warm after the attack; his eyes were still open. I put my hand on his head and shut them, I felt a sort of gravity drawing my hands towards his chest. I concentrated enough so that I couldn't even hear someone screaming my name. Then I felt an exhilaratingly strange feeling, I visualized a white orb in my head and I opened my eyes. My veins were glowing white and it appeared they were flowing into Rick's chest and venturing throughout his body. I started to feel drained and the more I concentrated the more it drained me. I finally took my hands off of his chest and I almost fell down. I looked up with dreary eyes from the exhaustion. I scanned his body, until his right hand twitched. I watched more intently in case my mind was playing tricks on me. He twitched again, I yelled, "ORYX, GET IN HERE." He came running, Rick started twitching more and more. More frequent every time, his body started changing back to his wolf form. Oryx asked, "What did you do to him?" I answered, "I shut his eyes because they were open then I pulsed after he twitched." He opened his eyes and gasped in, screaming. Oryx said, "You're okay! Rick you're okay! Breathe." He frantically asked, "What is going on? I thought I died? It was so cold, what happened?" I said, "Your eyes were open, I shut them and something happened." He asked, "Why was it so cold? What happened?" I answered, "It was the agents, they used that device to try to kill you and somehow you're alive." He asked, "Impossible, how did I survive? I shouldn't have survived. No one else has so why did I?" Oryx replied, "I don't care how you survived, I'm just glad you're alive. I couldn't go much further without you." I thought to myself, how is he alive? Did I do this? Rick said, "I remember you guys getting there. Then I heard a huge explosion, then it was like I was sleeping, it was freezing. I couldn't wake up and all I could see is darkness, then a small light appeared and I started going towards it. When I got to it, it was a small orb of light. I touched it and I woke up. Is that what death will be like?" Oryx said, "Elijah, we need to talk. Follow me." I followed him through a corridor and into a large room, laying in the middle was an antique hand carved dining room table. He pulled a chair out and told me to sit, taking a seat beside me. He said, "We need to discuss what unfolded in there." I asked, "What did just happen in there?" He answered, "You have unlocked your healing touch ability, an ability exclusive to Omegas, it can return the life force to recently killed people." I was in awe. I thought about what I could do with it. I remembered, Alex was never buried, we put him in the refrigerator room of the lab. I thought, what if we need him? He could help us, but I need to test this. I may have revived Rick, but does it work on people that have been dead for longer periods of time. I have to test this, but I can't just kill someone and revive them without any questions. Alex is my best bet right now, but would he come back and still want to be evil? I want to take the chance, but if he comes back evil. I will have to keep him at bay, he is not stronger than me. I will have him back without

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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