Sliver eyes
Hoping for paradise
I've seen it a million times

I quickly run around the corner into the alleyway looking behind me and seeing three guys still there, dammit I thought I'd lost them, I run straight through the narrow damp alley back into the streets. I can feel my hard beating in my chest, i can almost feel the blood rushing in my veins.

I take a deep gulp of air and let my feet hit against the floor as I run quickly down the road. It was relatively dark out well not dark but getting there. it was dim and not many people were out, well except me and these three guys. I look behind me again, hoping I'd maybe lost them as I was growing more and more exhausted but of course with my luck they actually seemed closer than before.

I decided the turn a few more corners, in hope of them giving up but after turning 2 corners, I was blessed with my terrible luck and came crashing to the ground. I tried to get up as quickly as possibly but as soon as I stood up the back of my shirt was grabbed and I was throw against a wall behind me. I looked down the see what tripped me, a little rock was all I could see I assumed it was that, cursing the rock, I looked up to the man in front of me and gulped.

"So it was this little faggot who was eyeing up my sister, man he looks even gayer up close" The tallest man chuckled out, "you're fucking pathetic" He hisses at me.

I looked down at the ground, only to feel him grab my throat and force me to looks at him.

"Fucking look at me when im talking" He was intimidating and honestly I regreted 'eyeing' up his sister, in all honestly she wasn't even attractive and I was only looking at her because she was being loud, this guy doesn't seem to care though.

The tallest guy looked back at his two delinquents, "should we show this faggot why he shouldn't look at my sister anymore?" They both chuckled and nodded,"Would you be actually willing to let him get away with that? eyeing up your fucking sister, he's probably going to get off later thinking of her." One of the other guys piped up and honestly I wish I could snap his fucking neck.

Phil comes and saves dans ass

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2018 ⏰

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