Floor 7

110 2 5

( This will be the monsters or noises
The thoughts aren't working :-:
This will be something important )


I heard the sirens rush after me when I jumped out the window. They were after me.
I saw a dark alleyway and rushed inside it.
I hope the police didn't see me.
As I looked out the alley, the police were heading the other way. Thank god they lost me.
I walked down the vast alleyway to hear footsteps behind me.
I Grabbed out my flashlight and look behind me. It was a blue, bloody, fuzzy, monster.
When I shined the light in his face, he made a growl noise. He must be sensitive to light.
He did look quite familiar however.
I look down the alley to see a exit sign. I rush to it but then hear something running towards me.
I hurry up and shined my light behind me.
The monster was closer to me than before and made a louder growl, like he was calling out to someone.
I then turn around and see another monster.
This one looked just like the blue one but was purple.
It immediately turned back into another alley and I continued to walk forward.
All of these monsters look so familiar from somewhere.
I just couldn't quite figure out where or what they were from.
I then reach the end of the alley.
I open the door and out my flashlight away.
All of a sudden,

" Did you get him? " says the greeter.
The follower look at him.
" Well duh as you can tell. Now let's drag him back so he can restart this floor." Says the follower.
The follower than sees you, the reader.
" Huh? Who is this. "
The greeter walks over and sees you also.
Then, another monster comes out.
" Did I miss anything? " says the waiter.
" no you came just in time. You see this person? This person was watching our every move. " says the follower.
"Well than. Let's try to scare them with my little trick I got up my sleeve." Says the waiter. The waiter than smirks and looks and walks to you.

You jump in your seat.
Then the game restarts.

Ughh. My head why was I out so long? I thought.
I look around to see a lot of blood all over the ground.
Oh my god. What happened?
I walk down the alley thinking,
Am I on a new floor?
Then a paper hits me.
I unfolded it and read,
Always have your light on when heading up the stairs. You are now on floor 7. Be careful the further you go on. We will be harder for you to keep control of. Best watch your back and keep shining that light if you are desperate to survive.
- The Follower.
I fold it back up and chuckle.
Why would they come after me? I can get past them easily. They won't stand a chance against me.
If they want a fight, I'll give one to them.
I'm not afraid.
After 10 minuets of looking back and forth with my flashlight and shining light into the followers face, I finally make it to the exit.
This time, I keep my light on going up the stairs.
I then see a sign.
Then, a message pops up to me.


I walk into floor 6 to be greeted by the same two monsters I had seen before.
They look at me and show me the alley way.
It was basically the same alley I was just in but a lot longer.
They walk past me whispering.
Good luck new friend * chuckle *
I then knew, this was going to be a long ride all the way up to the final floor.
But little did I know, things were just about to start getting ugly, now and forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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