True Friends

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Friends, we've all had them at some point? Haven't we? You might say a friend is someone that makes you happy, someone you hang out with all the time...but is that really true?

Yes, they may be your friend, but are they really your true friend. At this point you are probably like, "What the fucking hell is this bitch talking about?".

What if your true friend is that kid who always stares at you from a far at school? You sometime returning that stare. A weird attraction towards them—not romantically attraction. Or it could be some random person on the street who randomly stares at you for a few seconds. Or it could be some "creep" on the internet who was trying to talk to you.

You never notice them.

Then one day when you're old, very old. You feel a weird crumbling in your brain. Why you ask? Your true friend has died. A part of you has died. A part of you that was never truly happy has died. Now you are left with no sanity, although you don't know it. You act the same, but at the same time you are completely different.

Only because you never met your true friend.

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