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December 20, 1820

The Duchess of Weston just finished reading the letter she received from her Brother Vincent's former

"Friend" mistress the famous opera singer Lina Ranalone a runaway Italian Princess. Tory was quite upset by the letter.

"Charles ready the coach for me

"I'm going to visit my family."

"Yes, Your Grace."

Beasley left to do his mistresses bidding while Tory went to find her father in law. She found Justin sitting by the fire staring as if watching something of interest. Tory hated to interrupt his thoughts.


It still seemed awkward to call the man she had called Uncle all her life Father, but somehow it was also very comforting. Justin looked up from his book.

"What can I do for you, my dear?"

"Something has come up, and I must go see Vincent, and I was wondering if you would care to join me and visit with my mother?"

Justin looked puzzled.

"Tory your mother has gone to London to do her Christmas shopping and to visit Bethany. She won't be back until tomorrow."

Tory had forgotten her mother was off to London which was funny since her mother always went to do her shopping for Christmas the week before the holiday, so she could visit her childhood friend Lady Brookshire.

"Very well I cannot put off my visit I must speak to Vincent at once."

Justin nodded and went back to staring at the fire. Before Tory left the room, she walked over to Justin and placed a kiss on the top of his head.

"Are you feeling alright your Grace?"

"I am fine my dear, I am just a little melancholy and was thinking about my late wife Celeste and your beloved father. I miss them both so very much. If it weren't for your mother, I don't know if I would have made it through both of their deaths."

Tory gave him a hug and another kiss before she left. She needed to see if she could find someone to fill the loneliness Justin was feeling. On the ride to see her brother Tory started to think of a way to find Justin a new wife or at least a "Friend". After two hours in the coach she finally reached her families estate, she was still so upset with her brother that she stormed out of the carriage without the help of the footman and into the house much to the butler's dismay.

"Your Grace?"

"Where is Vincent?"

"His Grace is in the study. I will announce you Your Grace."

Tory stormed off in the direction of the study.

"I will announce myself."

Tory burst through the door of the study and thrust the letter she had received from Lina into his face.

"What are you going to do about this?"

Vincent looked at his sister with wonder what has gotten her dander up and why was he the object of her anger. He took the offered letter. He knew who it was from he could tell by the familiar handwriting it was penned by Lina.

"My Dearest Tory, if not for your letters of comfort I would not know what to do since arriving back in Italy. I have been under house arrest. Since my father's death, my brother has kept me locked up and has informed me that I must wed by spring to a man of Raymond's choosing. He has found the perfect man to tie me too and get his revenge all at the same time.

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