
525 4 9

New York City

Hairstyle: Messy/unkempt, but in a cute way

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Hairstyle: Messy/unkempt, but in a cute way. Attempts to keep it pulled away from face are made futile and a strand is always hanging loose

Eyes: Wild and excited about nothing and everything all in one. They're very expressive. One look into their eyes can tell you exactly what they're thinking.

Skin: Anything but perfect. It's a little dry and a little pimply. They have a couple scratches and bruises but they wear them proudly, like battle scars. Each little mole and imperfection tells a story.

Fashion Sense: Generally always trying to keep up with the latest fashion trends. Always wears socks indoors and scarves in the winter. Jewelry is a must-have and makeup is light if any at all.

Eating Habits: Has a big appetite so will eat anything and everything. But they have a personal preference for big sandwiches and wraps. Drinks coffee in the morning to wake up, drinks (sparkling) wine in the evening to calm down.

Color Palette: Grey, pastel blue, black, soft brown. Mainly neutral and cool colors.

Personality: They never sleep because they're either up working or out partying. They get an average of 2-4 hours of sleep per night, if any at all. They can never stay indoors for too long before feeling restless. They get bored with their surroundings easily, so they're always looking for new and inventive ways of enjoying themselves. This could mean checking out the new coffee shop that just opened down the street, redecorating their room, exploring abandoned buildings with friends or going hiking. They're a risk taker, an adrenaline seeker. They're the type to watch a horror movie in a graveyard at midnight, or drink an unfamiliar juice mixture on a dare. They're seen as the life of the party, the one everyone wants to be friends with. They enjoy good energy, good food and good people.

Quote They Live By: "I'm here for a good time not a long time."


Hairstyle: Neat and well styled

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Hairstyle: Neat and well styled. Usually carries around hair gel and a comb for bad hair day emergencies.

Eyes: Soft and warm, but determined and steady. There's a certain calm that exudes from their demeanor, especially their eyes. There's a solid yet comfortable feeling that they bring to any anxious situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2018 ⏰

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