"And they were roomates" "omg they were roomates"

45 3 1

Message to GroupChat: Best House On The Block
Lancelot: why are we here
Pidgeotto: Lance it's three a.m. y r u texting us. I'm trying to read up on aliens and ur making it IMPOSSIBLE to concentrate on the theories.
Lancelot: i may ir may not be srunk
Space Daddy: how?? Youve been home all night
Space Daddy: and WHAT is my name omg

Space Daddy Changed His Name To Shiro

Lancelot: yeahh but tou dont hidw the booze weel

Lancelot Changed Shiro's name to Hottt Space Daddy

Keef: Lance wtf dude
Hunka Hunk: Buddy go to bed before you do something you regret. I'll go downstairs and get you some water for the morning
Lancelot: thankkkss dude
Keef: Hunk you spoil him
Hunka Hunk: how?! I just wanna help him
Pidgeotto: the angsty boi is right 
Hottt Space Daddy: Its too late for this. I'm going to bed.
Hunka Hunk: early**
Pidgeotto: *early
Keef: early**
Hottt Space Daddy: whatever. Goodnight guys. Lance, you better sleep if you wanna be able to go to work tomorrow
Lancelot: work is for loserrs

Hottt Space Daddy Has Left Conversation

Lancelot Added Hottt Space Daddy to Conversation

Keef: Lance leave him alone
Lancelot: zzzZZzZ I'm SKEEPING, Mulletttt
Lancelot: sleepong**
Lancelot: sleeping**
Keef: Whatever

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2018 ⏰

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